UCLA professor says the 1st and 2nd amendments are not absolute – IOTW Report

UCLA professor says the 1st and 2nd amendments are not absolute

Campus Reform-

A University of California-Los Angeles professor is calling not only for gun control but also “qualifications” to freedom of speech in order to combat mass shootings fueled by racism, a phenomenon he says has only come to light since President Donald Trump’s election.

UCLA professor Douglas Kellner states that until just two years ago, “all of the previous shootings were rather divorced from sociopolitical factors,” claiming that while mass shootings occurred in the past, they were the results of “individual crises of young men,” having to do with things such as family life or school trouble, in an interview published by the university.

Kellner asserts that the phenomenon of mass shootings motivated by racist ideas is largely isolated to instances occurring since Trump’s election.

When asked where he would draw the line when it comes to freedom of speech, Kellner responded by saying that “human life and survival trumps freedom of speech.”

“If hate speech is endangering human lives and it is known to cause things like the shootings or acts of violence, we have every necessity to deal with this,” he said. “This has to do with what we were talking about earlier. People who engage in this kind of speech…need help. We need to help them. You’re not abridging freedom of speech – you’re helping young people deal with their demons and their problems.”

“This really puts freedom of speech in a different context, we need to rethink this,” the professor concluded. “It’s not an absolute as some of us once thought it was.”


24 Comments on UCLA professor says the 1st and 2nd amendments are not absolute

  1. I wholeheartedly agree with this pinhead. You know, back in the 60s and 70s we had these people running around setting off bombs, taking over administration buildings at gunpoint and shooting folks for having the wrong political views. If only we had cracked down on their speech and locked them up for their ideas and actions, why, we wouldn’t have had to endure Obama or any of the other leftist pinheads these last 40 years because the weathermen and the SDS and all those other commie groups would have been silenced. And since almost every mass shooter has been affiliated with the left, I think we should take the good professor up on his little theory and start with the members of antifa/academia since they are generating such huge amounts of hate speech these days. Or, let’s stick with my personal preference and have dangerous freedom to do and say as we please without having some jackbooted thug try to crush my head for daring speak my mind.

  2. Ehem, what the fuck does this educated person not understand about the idea and concept of GOD given? Oh, wait never mind…

    The brilliance of the founders is that they codified it.

  3. It’s interesting that much of the hate speech appears to come from the left and is directed to the non-left (who can forget Maxine Waters). It would be nice if they could point to specific examples of “hate speech” instead of just the typical generalities.

  4. ‘progressives’ … gotta luv ’em … whenever they open their mouths & spout invectives, they always reflect their own behavior (now there’s a great thesis for some graduate psych student that has half-working brain cells), & castigate those they are against, for the very same faults that they practice on a regular basis

  5. This is a lot more sinister than a concern troll “professor” claiming a “rethink” on the Constitution. Here’s a timely article by Gorka at American Greatness from this weekend:

    “It’s Official: The Democrats Just Want You Dead”

    “Americans are normalizing violence in their politics, but not in the way the media and the “experts” would have you believe.

    No, “white supremacists” are not the greatest threat to your safety, despite what Don Lemon and his cohorts in the Fake News Industrial Complex say. In fact, of 250 shootings in America wherein four or more people were shot (which is the official definition of a “mass” shooting), not one of the perpetrators was a conservative, let alone a “white nationalist.” But that hasn’t stopped the Democrats.”

  6. “… as some of us once thought …”

    I’ve been re-thinking that whole “untermenschen” thing, and, actually, just as some of us once thought, Academics qualify.

    I guess words don’t mean what their definitions define (heh, heh) them to mean but only what the lawyers, academics, and politicians claim them to mean.

    “If hate speech is endangering human lives and it is known to cause …”
    I don’t think the good perfesser understands “causality.” If a thing is “true” it is “true” in every circumstance, under every rotation (no matter which way you point it or its attitude). If a “hate speech” “CAUSES” some behavior, it will CAUSE that behavior IN EVERY CASE, IN EVERY LANGUAGE, IN EVERY INSTANCE, THROUGHOUT TIME. Doubt it? Take the perfesser thirty feet above the ground and drop him. In any continent on Earth. Morning, noon, or night. In any city, under any circumstance, and speaking any language.
    The results will be IDENTICAL. Not “similar” but IDENTICAL. THAT’S proof of causality.
    Do this as many times as necessary to satisfy yourself as to its proof.

    Can the perfesser make the same “proof” with his “hate” speech?
    Will some certain words elicit a given response EVERY time uttered?
    If not, then he’s a liar and a charlatan – a political propagandist posing as a perfesser.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. …OK, UCLA professor Douglas Kellner, you are no longer permitted to speak or posess a firearm because I believe myself to be morally superior to you, and therefore uniquely qualified to decide what rights that God gave you that you’re actually WORTHY of, and I have judged you wanting and duly override God Himself to revoke them from you.

    …see how easy that is? And how stupid it sounds? Well, coming from a representative of a violent Statist cult like YOU who only wants to disarm me as a prelude to enslaving or killing me, it sounds 1000 times more evil coming from YOU…

  8. Amendment IX – The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

    This is why our Bill of Rights belongs to US the Citizens and NOT the government. It is NOT Governments or some wacky Anti-American California Teacher to decide.

    An NEVER will be as long as the 1st and 2nd are understood and protected. Hence why the Liberalized NEA pushed to reduce and eliminate US Government Civics Class that taught in Jr. High US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

  9. The 2nd amendment states that it cannot be infringed by elected politicians. The elected politicians read that to mean that it can be infringed! Talk about a mental disconnect!


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