41-Year-Old Canadian Man Euthanized – IOTW Report

41-Year-Old Canadian Man Euthanized

Gateway Pundit

A 41-year-old disabled man was put to death after government officials cut funding for his in-home care.

Sean Tagert was euthanized on August 6th in Canada.

Sean had ALS, Lou Gehrig’s Disease. More

24 Comments on 41-Year-Old Canadian Man Euthanized

  1. Funny, I don’t recall the media doing any serious reporting on this outside of BC. I would have thought the lefties in BC (Canada’s California but not as bad) who figure the government should be the payer for all things medical (and most everything else for that matter) would have demanded it then realized that’s it’s also the left that push for assisted suicides. I guess the “assisted suicide for all team” won this one and the “government pays all team” and Mr. Tagert lost. RIP sir.

  2. Please don’t flip out here, but I’m confused.

    Either people have the liberty to end their own lives if they want to, or they don’t.

    Either the taxpayers have an obligation to do everything possible, no matter how expensive, in vain, and pointless, because someone is going to die anyway, to prolong life as long as possible, or they don’t.

    Without a ventilator and extensive related medical care, this man would have died an uncomfortable “natural” death immediately. Would that have been okay, since it technically would not be “euthanasia” or “assisted suicide”?

  3. Janitor, he did not want to die. He wanted to live as long as he could. Canada told him it was too expensive, essentially forcing him into suicide. We (western culture)are becoming very sick.

  4. The ultimate medical “care” from the gummint.

    Works for high blood pressure, too.
    And paraplegia.
    And mild retardation.
    Oh, yeah, and people who use sign language.
    And those people who use fatty-carts in Walmart.

    Come to think of it …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. At my age of 66 and a half I’d better not be planning any trips to crazy Canuck land just because. The last time I was in Canada was in the mid 80’s when my wife’s younger sister married a Canadian. Who turned out to be a scoundrel and a scalawag according to my wife’s 90+ year old grandmother.

  6. remember when Obama said instead of Grandma having a ‘procedure’ she should just take a pill?

    … & Darth Bader gets all the ‘procedures’ she need, don’t she?

    don’t kid yourselves, it’s already here

  7. @Michael Loose; Hi. It wasn’t Canada that denied the full 24 coverage it was the province of British Columbia. The provincial governments not the federal one that is the decision maker.

    Giving this further thought I wonder where his family was on this. While I understand that the medical skill set needed to cover him is very high I would wonder why for that 4 hour window (although reading the article it seems that the province was going to cut him back even further) a member of the family could have stepped in. They could have been taught the rudimentary care steps (personal hygiene, giving water, other small things) and maybe the most important just being there to ensure he wasn’t alone and calling 911 if an emergency arose. I know that sounds kind of harsh but what else do you do when the cupboard is bare? I’m sure some if not most, of the States are in a similar situation and wonder how they would handle it.

    It seems that the period where family, friends and community would step in and work the problem is long gone. The idea that government takes care of everything and is responsible for everything has taken root which is truly unfortunate.

  8. I had a friend with same diagnosis.

    He Hung himself before he was unable to.

    In this case my opinion will be unpopular amongst most of you but…

    I would rather leave on MY OWN TERMS rather than live in an institution with shit from the back of my ball sack to behind my neck in a Canadian Old Age Home.

  9. I too had a friend whose 30 something year old brother had been confined to a wheelchair for a few years and was rapidly losing control of his hands. He was able to retrieve and operate his revolver though.
    God have mercy on us all.

  10. Suicide is the most personal/independent action you can take. It is, by definition, a solitary act. I think it is sad, wrong, and immoral. I also think happy, healthy, productive people would never consider it. Therefore: ‘assisted suicide’ is evil. People who require assistance to commit suicide are hopeless, feckless, lost… Anyone –or any agency/department– who offers ‘assistance’ is evil.

  11. My first symptoms of ALS occurred in 2009, but was diagnosed in 2011. I had severe symptoms ranging from shortness of breath, balance problems, couldn’t walk without a walker or a power chair, i had difficulty swallowing and fatigue. I was given medications which helped but only for a short burst of time, then i decided to try alternative measures and began on ALS Formula treatment from Herbal Health Point, It has made a tremendous difference for me (Visit ww w. herbalhealthpoint.c om).  I had improved walking balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved eyesight and others. 

  12. I was diagnosed with ALS(Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) last year. My symptoms are muscle loss tingling across the top part of my back like bugs crawling. My speech is slurring and I’m drooling and fingers and toes drawling up lost a lot of weight. I can’t use my hands they are to weak and I can’t button my pants and using my hands and arms wears me out. When I read the information on different site online, I learnt that ALS can be reversed with Best Health Herbal Centre (ww w. besthealthherbalcentre. c om) ALS HERBAL REMEDY TREATMENT, so i decided to give it a try. May this year I purchased 2 bottles of ALS herbal remedy from Best Health Herbal Centre. The treatment worked very effectively for my ALS, most of my severe symptoms simply vanished within 7 weeks of usage. Am currently living a normal life.

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