Son of 9/11 Victim Who Slammed Ilhan Omar Says He Was Called a Racist After Comments – IOTW Report

Son of 9/11 Victim Who Slammed Ilhan Omar Says He Was Called a Racist After Comments

Epoch Times:

The son of a Sept. 11, 2001, terror attack victim said people had criticized him, calling him a racist, after he blasted Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) during his speech at the 18th-anniversary memorial service of the attacks at Ground Zero yesterday.

Nicholas Haros Jr. attracted the media’s attention when he delivered pointed criticism to the freshman congresswoman for her “some people did something” remarks. Omar had been heavily criticized for using those words to describe the deadliest terrorist attacks in American history that claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 innocent people.

During an appearance on Fox’s Sean Hannity show on late Wednesday, Haros Jr. said her remark had “tore [his] heart apart” as well as his mother’s, who was killed during the deadly attack.

“That hurt. I am a victim’s son, and I decided to take 9/11 as my one day, of perhaps, credible standing to make that statement, which many people have told me, it represented their views,” he told Hannity. more

24 Comments on Son of 9/11 Victim Who Slammed Ilhan Omar Says He Was Called a Racist After Comments

  1. Sorry for his loss but he should have expected the left’s most commonly used refrain when he commented.
    If you’re going to stand up you’ve got to be ready for the attacks by the scum.
    Illegitimi non carborundum!!!!!

  2. “Some people did something.” – Alfred Rosen, Defendant at Nuremberg trials.

    “Some people did something.” – Jiang Qing, wife of Mao Zedong

    “Some people did something.” – Anonymous Politburo member (8th Congress), under J. Stalin

    “Some people did something.” – Hutu general, Rwanda

    A new legal principle was introduced at the Nuremberg trials, briefly defined: “Crimes against humanity are certain acts that are deliberately committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian or an identifiable part of a civilian population.”

    Today this important legal precedent is know as “Some people did something.”

  3. For the umpteenth time, you mouth breathing, drooling, social warrior idiots, Islam is NOT a race.
    Christianity is not a race, Tao, Buddhist, Mormon, Voodoo, not a race.
    What is so damn hard?

  4. …even if Islam WERE a race, he would have every reason to hate it, because what difference if his father were murdered over religion or race?

    He’s stll dead.

    Suppose it were a REQUIREMENT of being, say, Chinese, that you HAD to hate people who were NOT Chinese, consider people who were not Chinese as less than human, and someone minimized murdering people by the PLANELOAD. INCLUDING your father, because it promoted China and terrorized non-Chinese people for not being Chinese?

    I think you’d be a bit justified in not agreeing with the Chinese person whd didn’t think those murders were of any significance, now, wouldn’t you?

    Get the hell over it. It’s not a phobia if they really ARE trying to kill you.

    And Mohammad (piss be upon him) says they MUST…×300.jpg

  5. Racism is no more illegal than homosexuality.
    And it is no more immoral than homosexuality, either.

    Further, blacks use the word nigger constantly, but they say whites can’t use it.
    That, people, is discrimination.

    Fuck them

  6. Islam is a death cult, not a race. Lying daughter of a goat fornicating terrorist needs to be deported for lying on citizenship application, which has nothing to do with “race”

  7. …the Devil will leave you alone if you don’t call out his evil, until he completes his designs and has time to deal with cowards who are no threat to his rule.

    Democrats are the same way.

    As long as you remain complicit in your own destruction, they won’t call you mean words until they are ready to line you up against the wall. It’s only when opposed that they openly attack.

    …if you HAVEN’T been called a racist, then, it only means you are serving them well, and they can get around to dealing with YOU at their leisure…

  8. …@Anymouse, I asked him to do the same to you, and haven’t heard back. It’s not really our host’s job to facilitate this so I ain’t mad, but I’m thinking about asking sweet Claudia instead, if it’s not too much trouble…

  9. Whitey White,
    I think the word “nigger” needs a new definition:
    “Any one that makes sucking the government tit, their occupation.”
    There’s no racism involved, I happen to know a bunch of white niggers, as well.

    I don’t believe just calling someone a DUMB ASS, is racist.
    Ignorance isn’t permanent, Stupid is.

  10. ” Omar’s comments also prompted longtime police officer and decorated army veteran Chris Kelley to announce his bid for Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District against the progressive congresswoman. In a previous interview with The Epoch Times, Kelley said he was first motivated to run against the freshman congresswoman following her trivialization of the Sept. 11, terrorist attacks.”

    Here’s hoping the people of Minn. have the good sense to elect Kelly and send Omar back to oblivion.


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