Obama’s Water Grab Officially Revoked – IOTW Report

Obama’s Water Grab Officially Revoked

Courthouse News

The Trump administration Thursday formally rolled back a major Obama-era policy that brought under federal protection many streams and wetlands across the U.S.

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler made the announcement Thursday afternoon, formally revoking the so-called Waters of the United States regulation, which defined what bodies of water the federal government may regulate.

Wheeler said revoking the regulation will give greater clarity to businesses, farmers and others who were impacted by the regulations the Obama EPA put in place in 2015. More

10 Comments on Obama’s Water Grab Officially Revoked

  1. The author(s) are much too kind. The power/land grab
    “…that brought under federal protection many streams and wetlands across the U.S was a monster.
    It made intermittent streams and places that a half dozen
    guys peed in during a beer drinking party into wetlands
    subject to obnoxiously burdensome rules and regulations
    designed for deep, navigable waters.

  2. grayjohn:

    In the early ’70’s we dug a pond for koi in my parent’s back yard. All was fine until the 1989 “World Series” earthquake which caused the pond to crack. Since none of their sons were home anymore, my parents called a professional to fix it. He asked “Do you have a permit for an underground pond?”

    Since the answer was “no,” they just filled it in.

  3. This is such good news. I have been waiting for this since President Trump announced rolling back a lot of Obama’s restrictive regulations in the EPA.

    Maybe now, farmers and landowners can go back to having a say in what happens to their land. Mud puddles will no longer be regulated by the EPA and I can finally have a bird bath without worrying about getting fined if it goes dry for a day!

    I’m hoping the replacement regulation will be simple and will keep in mind that we should have freedom to our own land.

  4. That’s all well and good but we still have to follow rules of the Sodbuster Swampbuster regulatIons that the Natural Resource Conservation Service mandates. Can’t take trees out without permission, have to file an AD-1026. If soil is highly erodible you can’t till the land. Gosh there’s a lot of rules too lengthy to list.


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