Corrupt UAW Leadership Takes 46,000 Members On Strike Against GM – IOTW Report

Corrupt UAW Leadership Takes 46,000 Members On Strike Against GM

From The Detroit News Sept. 12, 2019

With each passing day, the credibility of the union’s top leadership and the UAW’s reputation as a “clean union” is evaporating — with the union’s rank-and-file, with automakers and with its “target” company, GM. Its efforts to negotiate a new four-year contract with the union have been stymied by continually escalating legal distractions weighing on the UAW leadership.

“GM is outraged and deeply concerned by the conduct of union officials as uncovered by the government’s investigation and the expanding charges revealed today,” the automaker said in statement. “These serious allegations represent a stunning abuse of power and trust. There is no excuse for union officials to enrich themselves at the expense of the union membership they represent.” More

From Detroit News September 16, 2019

Members of the United Auto Workers went on strike at General Motors Co. plants nationwide at midnight Sunday night, sending 46,000 workers to picket lines in the union’s first walkout since the automaker emerged from taxpayer-funded bankruptcy a decade ago.

The UAW on Sunday night said “dialogue is continuing” with the Detroit automaker, but a GM spokesman said talks were halted amid an increasingly acrimonious atmosphere and an unorthodox response by GM that breaks with decades of bargaining protocol. The UAW said a bargaining session is scheduled at 10 a.m. Monday. More

21 Comments on Corrupt UAW Leadership Takes 46,000 Members On Strike Against GM

  1. Because new $60k pick up trucks are too affordable?

    Because having to replace three water pumps and a transmission in the first 70,000 miles demands a reward?

    The golden goose needs to take out a restraining order against these dock monkeys.

  2. All the stock holders, at least the ones who are stupid enough to still own GM stock, should stage a strike and pull@“” there money out.

    I wouldn’t go anywhere near a GM dealership for a car.

  3. Rank and file need to go after backstabbing thieves who extort union dues then waste that money by living in luxury and trying to get communists elected. At the same time the unions are allowing pension funds to go broke.

  4. Anon: I drove nothing but “American” cars for 20 years.

    After getting my first Toyota, manufactured in Kentucky, I couldn’t go back. I have never owned such a reliable, low maintenance vehicle.

    And, to my knowledge, their employees don’t hate my guts and donate the money I gave them to those that would like me genocided after a lengthy bleed me dry procedure.

  5. @ Cliche Guevara September 16, 2019 at 1:38 pm

    I too was a chevy guy but my last Silverado was an oil blowing POS. 300 miles towing a trailer and you have to add oil. 300 miles at highway speeds and you need to add oil. They say it’s all normal. Decals faded and fell off. New oil pump at 45K miles and left me stranded on a rural road at night. Made in Mexico as well.

    I’m driving a Toyota Tundra now. 26K miles and no issues. Tows better than the last truck and turns tighter. A search says they were made in Princton Indiana but is now in San Antonio.
    Last I heard Texas was still in the U.S. so I’ll stay with Toyota and screw GM and the unions.

  6. Toyota all the way. Traded in my old Toyota in July – over 250,000 miles on it and still going like a dream, without having to pay hardly any maintenance expenses on it EVER – finally the check engine light came on and would have caused a problem when I had to get it inspected – so I bought a Toyota RAV4 – been wanting one of those for a while anyway. LOVE IT!

    Anyway – Unions have never been anything but organized/legalized crime.

  7. The Union isn’t anymore corrupt than GM’s Management! Usually I’d support the union but not this time….

    The U.S. government lost $11.2 billion on its bailout of General Motors, according to a 2014 government report. The government invested about $50 billion to bail out GM as a result of the company’s 2009 bankruptcy, and at one time held a 61 percent equity stake in the Detroit-based automaker.Nov 28, 2018

    Idiot Bush Gave it to them and O’Dumbass let them slide!

  8. Now if I could just convince Senora Guevara to stop buying European sports cars.

    Yea! Put the engine in backwards with the serpent belt against the firewall and no room to get an arm in there. Sure, put the alternator under the OHC. Put the battery behind the glove compartment. Put in bunch of ECM modules that foul out and you’ve got to bill 6 hours to replace it.

    Put the ignition key directly under a sun roof.

    The 8th circle of Hell is a three year old euro shitbox coming up on 30,000 miles.

  9. One time Breitbart had a story about how the UFCW (food workers) Union heads were meeting at a Miami resort.
    I mean posh.
    I printed a lot of copies of that article and rode around to all the union grocery stores to hand out copies to the workers.
    And boy were they pissed.

  10. My 2015 was made in the usa! It tears through snow like a pissed of badger.

    Our company full sized GM vans all have gasket issues, water pump issues, software glitches, undersized brakes, etc…

  11. talk about clueless to the world one lives in. walk into Sam’s club and just look at all the self check out. the GM union types must know there are robots who can do their jobs faster and better and dont need medical, dental or pensions. in this day and age a strike is just a written invitation for a factory to make the upgrade.

  12. Bought a 2005 Toyota Tundra from Princeton, Indiana. Replaced brakes the first time at 120,000 miles. Second time at 230,000 miles. Synthetic oil every 5,000 miles.
    6 cylinder gets 25 mph on highway,
    Never any maintenance problem.
    Non union shop


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