GOP congressman to introduce bill forcing disruptive DC protesters to pay police overtime – IOTW Report

GOP congressman to introduce bill forcing disruptive DC protesters to pay police overtime


Republican Indiana Rep. Jim Banks announced his intention to introduce a bill requiring protesters arrested during demonstrations in Washington, D.C., to pay the for police’s overtime and other fees.

Banks made the announcement in response to the “Shut Down DC” demonstration, where climate activists blocked major intersections around the nation’s capital during morning rush hour on Monday.

“Washington, D.C. collects over $4 billion in federal funding. Hoosier taxpayers shouldn’t be on the hook for illegal protests — it is a violation of their First Amendment rights,” Banks continued. “To be clear, my bill will not prohibit other demonstrations or protests on the National Mall like the annual March for Life or Women’s March. Those protests are legal because they obtained official permits. My bill would only apply to illegal protesters who are arrested.” read more

9 Comments on GOP congressman to introduce bill forcing disruptive DC protesters to pay police overtime

  1. Well, who’s going to pay for lost wages for those missing work while sitting in traffic jams??? Too bad our (ninth circuit type) judges will call it freedom of speech and toss it.

  2. Nothing will come of it.

    The same way nothing came of those inaugural protestors arrested for felony rioting at the anti Trump riots during his inauguration.

    Don’t waste time and energy for show stuff that will have no effect and just add more law that will be misused in the future.

  3. You can’t squeeze blood from a turnip. These idiots can’t even pay back their student loans, much less their fines for vandalism. Put them on the D.C. roadside cleanup crews for a few months.

    And give them some justice-involved housing, so mom can change the locks and get Zerorez into the basement.

  4. And bingo!, the GOP, in one master stroke, ensured no *&%^&&$ protester will ever be arrested again…or stated a different way, “How to ensure the proliferation of stand-down orders”…cynical, perhaps…true, none the less…


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