Ukraine Call Transcript – IOTW Report

Ukraine Call Transcript

President Trump’s Ukraine Call Transcript Has Been Released and Blows Up the Latest Impeachment Narrative

Townhall – The Department of Justice has released an unredacted transcript of a phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The text was taken down by note takers. The call took place in July from the White House Situation Room. It shows no effort by President Trump to pressure Zelensky into investigating former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, in exchange for military aid. This action was falsely alleged by a whistleblower and pushed Democrats on Capitol Hill into an impeachment inquiry. In fact, military aid isn’t mentioned at all.

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8 Comments on Ukraine Call Transcript

  1. Just saw this comment on Twitter by Sean Davis:

    “LOL. The discredited Russian election hoaxers who themselves demanded the transcript are now spinning wild conspiracy theories as to why their latest cockamamie conspiracy theory is entirely contradicted by actual evidence. How embarrassing.”

    And from President Trump:

    “Will the Democrats apologize after seeing what was said on the call with the Ukrainian President? They should, a perfect call – got them by surprise!”

  2. Never argue with nutballs or democrats, its a lost cause, they refuse to listen or more likely can’t think or reason. They are now moving on to a new attack Trump plan after yet another one has crashed and burned.

  3. I just read the transcript, it’s not very long or involved.

    Mostly just congratulating Zelensky on his win and agreeing to cooperate with him on whatever investigations he conducts.

    Certainly nothing I would ever consider an improper or illegal action on either of their parts.

    But I’ll bet the Democrats will twist. or try to twist, some part of it to support their allegations.

    But maybe I’m wrong about the, wait and see.

    In any event, I don’t see why they took action against our President even before they had read it since its release was promised to them before they did anything.

  4. the Democrat Party politicians are like parents who are in denial of their teenage kid being a bad apple. They will watch a video that shows their kid robbing a convenience store, with perfect video and audio where the kid clearly says “My name is Joe Biden-Pelosi and I live at 743 Evergreen Terrace and I am breaking the law by robbing this store.” EVEN THEN, the parents will say that’s not their son in the video. “My Joey would never do that!”

    Even after getting their faces rubbed in their own shit, the Democrat Party hacks will still take everything in the transcript out of context and deliberately twist Trump’s words and Zelensky’s words to make Trump look impeachment-worthy.


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