Transcript of Trump Phone Call With Ukraine President – IOTW Report

Transcript of Trump Phone Call With Ukraine President

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18 Comments on Transcript of Trump Phone Call With Ukraine President

  1. Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha


    Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha Ha-ha

  2. Where’s the part in the transcript where Trump threatens to withhold aid until the new president takes out the Bidens? I see the president talking about current events that affected the Ukraine. When Zelenskyy says he’s eager to drain their swamp the conversation went in that direction. Crowdstrike was part of the swamp draining that was scuttled by Joe demanding the prosecutor be fired or HE would withhold aid.

    The left is audacious, I’ll give them that. But they are going to lose, big league, in the end. Everyone is catching on to their bullshit, all supported by a bullshit media.
    The left doesn’t represent any positivity for society, it is all wretched, and leads to dystopia.

  3. “Crowdstrike and server are in Ukraine, which are at the heart of Mueller investigation. This isn’t about Biden. That was a side subject cherry on top that intertwines. This is about the former government of Ukraine interfering in 2016 election on behalf of the dems. Sun Tzu baby.” – Wyatt,

    “Hey Patriots, #Crowdstrike is trending. Now is not the time to give in! Do you want victory? Tag big accounts. Make this viral. Move the ball forward. Together we have POWER. #Crowdstrike is central to every last Leftist lie from Russian collusion to the murder of Seth Rich.”

    TO Fur
    *NO* quid pro quo

  4. BureauRats trying anything to stain Trump for 2020 see what else is going on in Ukraine. Zelensky and Putin are about to begin peace talks. And with the internal battle with the mayor of Kiev, does Zelensky really care what the babblers of American media say?

  5. I got a sneaky suspicion that this was perpetrated by the Trump forces to OUT a deep-cover Soros agent.

    Talk some shit just out of (within) the hearing of some fevered semi-psychotic TDS bozo and let him (her) run with it – KNOWING that the transcript could be released without doing international harm or compromising national security.

    It’s a pretty Byzantine or Machiavellian notion, but not beyond the pale of reason.
    PLUS(!) – President Trump seems to really ENJOY helping the socialists make fools of themselves.

    Just an idea.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Apparently the only thing the democrats have to offer the voters, as their only work results for a entire wasted year, is hobbled attempts to kill off Trump politically. Looks like they’ll never stop whining and try and accomplish something worthwhile.

  7. This is exactly what will happen with the Trump tax records. Just before the election, they will succeed in “forcing” him to release them. And when he does, there will be nothing bad, but massive charitable contributions. 4D chess master indeed.


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