Mattel Releases First Gender-Neutral Doll – IOTW Report

Mattel Releases First Gender-Neutral Doll

I thought gender was a state of mind? How does one go about discerning what the doll identifies as?

Oh, I know!!!!

If you have a mental illness, like gender dysphoria, the doll TALKS TO YOU!

Hollywood Reporter-

“Toys are a reflection of culture and as the world continues to celebrate the positive impact of inclusivity, we felt it was time to create a doll line free of labels,” said a Mattel rep.

The creators of Barbie are releasing what they’re calling the first gender-neutral doll.

Mattel’s new Creatable World line offers six dolls with short hair, flat-chests and slim figures in a range of skin tones. Announced Wednesday, the dolls are available at retailers including Amazon, Target and Walmart ($30 each). Accessories allow kids to customize the toys with wigs to create long hair or clothes including tutus, jeans, camouflage pants, graphic tees, sweatpants, red flannels, purple jerseys, rose-printed bomber jackets and splatter-paint overalls.

Time reports that Mattel tested the dolls with 250 families in seven states — 15 of the children identify as trans, gender-nonbinary or gender-fluid.


ht/ Trending Politics

26 Comments on Mattel Releases First Gender-Neutral Doll

  1. How can dolls have a sex or gender if they have no genitals? Do we just assume that they’re either a boy or a girl or are they now one of 100 other non specified genders. Gimme a friggin break! It used to be said that Mattel is swell, now it should be Mattel can go to Hell.

  2. “gender-fluid”

    Which kind? Various genitals produce various fluids.

    “Mommy, which kind am I?”

    “You’re gender fluid, honey.”

    “You mean like the stuff that comes out of my wee-wee-who-hah?”

  3. Or for guy dolls who want to be Barbie instead of Ken a chopadickoffofme. And will they name the new girl doll Caitlin. My youngest daughters name is Caitlin by the wa, she’s almost 31 and was named that way before Bwuce decided he wasn’t a guy anymore. I hate what the friggin left did to the name Caitlin.

  4. When I was a kid in the 80s there was a growing up Skipper doll – when you twisted her arm she grew taller and her flat chest grew breasts. I loved growing up in the 80s. Had nothing to do with this crazy crap, just normal puberty. I just looked online and apparently she of course was controversial. At the time we all had them and no one gave a crap.

  5. Ken was pretty much gender neutral, that is why I used to steal my brother’s GI Joe to be Barbie’s boyfriend. GI Joe had articulated joints and could put his arm around Barbie in the Corvette while he drove with one hand. Ken the Cuck stayed home in the townhouse.

  6. gender is a GRAMMAR thing….in GRAMMAR, there are THREE GENDERS…. HE, SHE, AND IT…

    anyone who has tried to learn a romance language – any language based on LATIN…..knows this….it’s the difference between LA nina and El nino….most european languages follow this rule….

    a cat is male….doesn’t matter if it’s a female cat…’s GENDER, grammatically, is male…..a table is female…..not an IT, but a SHE…..

    this is where Freud got all his stupidly wrong ideas….everything was related to sex, according to him….no…..not really…’s only because the language he spoke gave EVERY SINGLE THING you could talk about, some kind of sexual identity…….a pencil is male, a piece of paper is female…..therefore, the pencil rapes the paper……

    SEX is a biological BIOLOGY, which is a SCIENCE, there are only TWO SEXES….they are NOT genders….

    some very few people – who suffer from BIRTH DEFECTS – have confused genes, wherein they have XXY or XYY genes…..way less than 1% of the population……

    well, apparently, we are now ruled by the less than 1% of the population……yay!!!….. democracy!!!

    we are being ruled by freaks and their enablers, in order to force us into accepting them as “normal”….

    so sorry, not buying……find yourself a street corner…..

    you may think i am just making this up….BUT…..i was actually recruited to be a translator at the united nations because of my ability to speak french…..didn’t fall for it, and got to live in west virginia instead!!!

    happy happy joy joy….. 🙂

  7. Hey…I had the Skipper Barbie whose chest grew out as you rotated her arm. Waist cinched in, too. I can see how that was controversial, as was my Baby Tender Love anatomically-correct boy doll. Feed him water and it comes out from the right place. I wasn’t twisted as a result of my mom buying me such things, just educated properly. I’m not scared as today’s youth has been taught to be. Damn.

  8. This is what happens when you indulge ideology BEFORE checking it for errors:

    [Normal person] “You can’t be a girl, you’re male.”
    [Transgender male] “Gender is about thoughts and feelings, not biology!”

    [Mattel] “Look, everyone, we made a gender-neutral doll!”
    [Normal person] “Wait, I thought gender was about thoughts and feelings. Dolls don’t have thoughts or feelings. So, how can they have a gender?”

    — And, don’t even try to claim that someone’s identity is on the basis of what they’re wearing. That may have worked a hundred years ago, but now women can wear pants, too.


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