Sky News Takes On Spoiled Kids Who Participate in the Climate Strike – IOTW Report

Sky News Takes On Spoiled Kids Who Participate in the Climate Strike

Alan Jones suggests that the first generation to have completely air-conditioned schools turn off their phones and electronics, ride a bike to school rather than choke the roads with caravans of SUVs, stop upgrading perfectly good luxury items, and make a sandwich and shut up until they know what they are talking about.

Australia’s Sky News does not peddle in progressive poop. They are what we could only wish Fox News was.

ht/ Andy

JD Hasty sends in this rant from Sky, another great one.

10 Comments on Sky News Takes On Spoiled Kids Who Participate in the Climate Strike

  1. He did a terrific rant.

    But… Thunberg is no “child”. Sixteen-year-olds marry and have children.

    She’s a pampered and emotionally disturbed homely little wretch (from a wealthy entertainment family with ties to climate activists, Soros, etc.) who is reveling in the attention.

  2. I’d feel different about this obvious form of child hatred and neglect if only the parents would offer a firearm as a mean to rid this non-wished for child of her brained washed illness.
    Certain Dick Wolf would green light, yes another GRAMMY!

  3. From what I read about the family, it sounds like Greta’s mother is blaming her kids’ medical issues solely on the earth’s climate and environment. That’s just weird. If that was true, there would be millions of children with the same problems. A huge leap in logic and sounds like junk self-diagnosis. Same thing happened with those who linked childhood vaccines to autism. The only person “stealing Greta’s childhood” seems to be her mum and dad.

  4. Oh please. There’s nothing apparently medically wrong with this child. This is not Asperger’s. And “selective mutism” is a bullshit diagnosis. (So is Asperger’s according to the DSM V).

    She’s just a homely runt, likely to the dismay of her ambitious actor climate activist parents, and somewhere along the line, pieces fortuitously fell into place and so they created and promoted this world stage play for her. Because fixing her teeth and getting her to a hair salon isn’t going to cut it.


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