Moron Beto Evokes Kent State as a Reason To Ban Guns – IOTW Report

Moron Beto Evokes Kent State as a Reason To Ban Guns

What a dope. Kent State is a perfect example of why the populace SHOULD be armed. It was the state who shot and killed protesting citizens.

“Yesterday, people brought assault weapons to our rally at Kent State—where 4 students were shot dead in 1970. I told them nobody should show up with an AK-47 or an AR-15 to seek to intimidate us in our own democracy. We need to buy back every single one of them.”

Who intimidated who at Kent State? Now imagine the intimidation if our populace was completely unarmed facing an armed state who doesn’t exactly like what you’re protesting about.


24 Comments on Moron Beto Evokes Kent State as a Reason To Ban Guns

  1. Most Democrats are a bit fuzzy when it comes to our country’s history, this is all they need to know; Our country which BTW was never great, to begin with, was founded by white patriarchal slave owners who subjugated the black man, killed off all the native Americans then stole their land, then spread imperialism and murder throughout the world in a rapacious attempt to build an empire.

  2. Have never been able to understand how someone can ‘buy back’ property, from another, that they’ve neither owned nor sold, to begin with.
    Must be another of those pesky Proglasite fairy tales.


    Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. – G.K. Chesterton

  3. I was in a DQ yesterday and two old geezers (my age) with gray, thinning hair came in with revolvers on their hips. No one thought anything of it – and the place was full of youngins. In Snohomish County, Washington State, no less! So I enjoyed my burger and shake.

  4. Howard Zinn should be tried for treason against America, then introduced to the French solution for elites, seeing that he views America as so despicable.

    If he is now deceased, dig him up, drive a stake through the body, place him in a welded shut titanium coffin filled with lead, drop over the Marianas trench.

    Am not one for book burning but in his case will make an exception, every copy in existence in any format should be destroyed seeing how many young minds he has damaged.

  5. i remember kent state….”four dead in ohio” and all that….

    my brother was enrolled at miami ohio at the time…he picked up a teargas grenade and threw it back at the cops…..

    once us hippies realized they were willing to kill us to shut us up, we all went quiet……some of us grew up and turned into conservatives….unfortunately, the rest went on to government careers, and now run the country……

    they believe it’s their job to tell us how to live our lives……they believe it’s their job to “save the world” by fighting climate change….they believe some men are really women, and some women are really men….they don’t think that’s proof that they deny SCIENCE…..

    they sincerely believe that i am some sort of bigotted bigot for believing in ACTUAL SCIENCE….like, that chromosomes determine sex…

    and that “gender” is grammer, not science….there are three genders – he, she, and it….there are only two sexes – male and female……

    i don’t much care….

    they can, and will. go to Hell, as far as i’m concerned…..altho i will continue to pray for them generically when i pray for the unsaved……..

  6. skateboarding commie d-sucker from el paso: threats of grievous bodily harm or death may be met by legal self-defense measures, a**hole. try a little door-knocking & confiscation, maybe you can be on tv.


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