Video- A Look Inside Chernobyl For the First Time Since Disaster – IOTW Report

Video- A Look Inside Chernobyl For the First Time Since Disaster

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Interior Revealed in New Video


The current Ukrainian administration recently decided to boost the growing interest of tourists in the site of the biggest nuclear disaster of the 20th century by easing access for tourist companies and opening up more routes for visitors.

Journalists from numerous media outlets have recently been granted access to the control room of the fourth block at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, where an explosion that led to massive nuclear fallout took place on 26 April 1986. A video shot by one of the journalists shows the destroyed control panels in the room where employees at the plant unsuccessfully tried to stop an uncontrolled chain reaction that led to the disaster.

The radiation level in the chamber still exceeds the normal by 40,000 times and hence all the reporters were dressed in special protective garments and spent only five minutes in the hazardous room. 

more + video HERE

11 Comments on Video- A Look Inside Chernobyl For the First Time Since Disaster

  1. Jimmy, I used Chekov’s accent.

    “It’s where they keep the nuclear wessels.”

    I read a book about a guy who visited Chernobyl. Very interesting, but I’d never want to go there.

  2. About three months ago I started to read a new book out about this – I forget the title but the author’s name is Higginbotham. I only got part way in because I had too much going on, but I definitely want to get back to it.

    From as far as I got into the book, I read that lots of the blame lay in the central government’s demand for results, which the chief (I forget his name or title, but anyone who reads the book will recognize who I’m talking about) gave them, though he had to postpone and eventually cancel an overdue inspection to get those results. There was one amazing scene in the beginning in which they are driving in a car equipped with protection from radiation and it could withstand a certain number that measured the exposure – say, 200 rays (I don’t recall the number or name, I’m just making that up to give you an idea) and it was measuring like 4,000 rays, something crazy like that. The chief, known for his normally cool demeanor, was screaming for them to GTFO.

    An author I know, who writes about disasters such as this, wrote a semi-autobiographical novel set in Belarus, where she is originally from. I reviewed it back in 2016 in case anyone is interested – it was a great book. (And read the author description; I think you guys would like her style.) At the bottom for next and previous entries are also two that may be of interest.

    By the way, some guy was doing “extreme tour” themed guided trips to Chernobyl years ago and I saw this amazingly stupid movie based on it, I think called _Chernobyl Diaries._ The movie itself was a disaster.

  3. Mankind has yet to come to an accommodation on atomic energy. 99.99% of all efforts have gone to killing; nothing goes to peaceful uses. Eisenhower predicted the outcome; it will kill us all.
    America does not have a Chernobyl type reactor; they make bomb fuel. Electricity is a by product. We had one, in Washington state but it was shut down in the ’50s. Chernobyl was not an accident; it was an illegal test to prove it was always stable. We know the results; it is the reason why we do not use this design. Chernobyl was solved by the PR department; it is lethally dangerous now, and for millennia.


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