From the Groove Yard of forgotten favorites! – In a Yugo – IOTW Report

From the Groove Yard of forgotten favorites! – In a Yugo

I first this on Rush around 2006.

“In a Yugo”

As the snow flies At a used car lot on the edge of town

A liberal guy and a liberal gal Buy a Yugo

And they drive with pride

Cause if there’s one thing that this world needs It’s environmental friends who’ll take the lead In a Yugo

They say, “people don’t you understand

Those suburbans are ruining the land”

But they’ll wish they had a full size van one day

They point fingers at you and me

They say we’re too blind to see

But do we simply use our heads

And choose another way?

As those small wheels turn

Fifty miles to the gallon

And their knees on their chest

They’re gonna save enough gas

For all of the rest In a Yugo

Then one day on the interstate

They suddenly lose control

They swerve to miss a baby duck

They’re squashed beneath a produce truck

But they drove with pride…

And as the crowds drive past a little flat car

You know they saved a lot of gas

But they didnt get far

In a Yugo

And as they’re trapped inside

At a used car lot on the other side of town

A liberal guy and a liberal gal

Buy a Yugo….

And they drive with pride…

ht/ jd hasty

39 Comments on From the Groove Yard of forgotten favorites! – In a Yugo

  1. My brother worked at an airbag manufacturer. He related a story (anecdotal) that when they tested installation of airbags on Yugos, when the bag deployed, it popped the windshield out.

    Too bad they couldn’t find the real thing for the video. I guess cash for clunkers took them off the roads — well, out of yards.

  2. A guy called Click and Clack on NPR years ago and asked if he should repair his 1987 Yugo or get a newer 1988 model. After laughing, one of the brothers advised him to get the 1988 model, because they came with a standard rear window defogger, so at least his hands would be warm as he pushed it down the street.

  3. @ ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ SEPTEMBER 27, 2019 AT 10:33 PM

    Absolutely. To study Elvis you come to understand the tragedy of the man. All he wanted to do was make music. Hooking up with Col Tom Parker was his undoing. That being said, he had deep underlying emotional troubles too.

    I started really listening deeply to his music one night and it took me on about a two month ride of listening to all of the songs and watching the concert videos and going back and forth listening really closely to songs I had heard hundreds of times and digging through my CD collection and listening to the obscure ones I had not paid attention to.

  4. @JD ~ thanks. when he wanted to crank it out, his tone was magnificent.
    a good read is ‘Last Train To Memphis’ & ‘Careless Love’ by Peter Guralnick
    & you’re correct, the man was such a tragic figure … he had sycophants instead of doctors

    try listening to some of his gospel too (if you can get into that; it’s an acquired taste & not for all in today’s ‘enlightened’ world) … good stuff too

  5. Still funny after all these years.

    Maybe it’s time for an updated release, to cheer up (ok, really annoy) Greta, her parents, and her other brain washing abusers.

    Instead of a Yugo, they can go with a new vehicle, a NEVS, National Electric Vehicle Sweden. They can work out the lyrics.

    The new NEVS automobile is being built in the old Saab factory after it was acquired by Chinese investment group. Based on the old Saab 9-3, all electric. Currently NEVS automobiles are only sold in China.

  6. @JD and Molon – This video (1972) seems harder to find than it used to be so I don’t know if you already have seen it. It shows Elvis with JD Sumner (the lowest bass ever that used to let Elvis sneak in to watch gospel shows for free when Elvis was a kid and JD was with The Blackwood Brothers) & The Stamps in studio just messing around with several gospel songs. The Stamps did a lot of the Vegas shows as backup for Elvis and harmonized beautifully. From about 4:30 to 5:02 Elvis is jokingly trying to sing the bass part with JD until JD drops about 2 octaves lower at the end. It’s one of my favorite videos of Elvis gospel though.

  7. I had a friend who owned both a Toyota pickup and a Yugo. He thought the Yugo was actually designed pretty well, similar in engineered detail to the Toyota. I told him maybe Yugo Co. was only considerate in making a vehicle that would be easy to work on because they knew it would break down a lot.

    otoh I could never come up with a good acronym for the Yugo.

    The Italians offered up the Fiat, Fix it Again Tony. America joined in with Ford, Fix or Repair Daily. Still can’t figure out why the Koreans went with the name Kia. Before I heard it pronounced Key-Ah. I always thought – Killed In Action. Not an inviting name.

  8. JDHasty

    THE KING’s mental problems started AFTER he was CUCKHOLD! which she started less than 3 years after the marriage; It crushed him mentally.

    I have been an Elvis fan for over 64 years. Was a “rockabilly” long before. So hip I was I had Blue Suede shoes a year before his buddy Karl wrote the song. Have been to his birth place and Sun!

    If you watch his first show at the Internatinal in Vegas (7/69). the guy in the front conversing with him is an ex Jarhead. middle aged! Ya I was a TV star once!

    Anglo men do not handle cuckhold well! Elvis was Scotch by blood, but Anglo by culture! A truly good, great man done in by a cheatin wife.

    Ol Hank knew the problem only too well!

    Before the cuck Elvis was sound!

  9. The Yugo could also be used as a double coffin since the bodies were too mangled to even attempt an extrication in the event of a wreck. Sadly we only have the single user coffin Smart Car now.

  10. We used to call Chevette’s Shove It’s. But FIAT 124’s were worse, a friend had one and it was a POS extraordinaire. Whoever designed it didn’t put a splash plate under the distributor and alternator and every time he drove thru even thru the smallest puddle it would cause his crappy FIAT to stall out. Even Vega’s were slightly better than any FIAT.

  11. Paul Shankland is a natural treasure. His ability to imitate others is extraordinary.

    Some of my faves are the “Born Free Animal Rights Update” and “Environmental Update” with the weapons fire and chainsaws in the background.

    Made the socialist’s heads spin.

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