Check out the date of this Adam Schiff Tweet – IOTW Report

Check out the date of this Adam Schiff Tweet

Isn’t this the essence of the whistleblower’s complaint?

Why would there be a need for a whistleblower to come forward with the same information that Schiff, a U.S. Rep, seems to have?

It doesn’t take a stable genius to figure out that the whistleblower was working with Schiff since, at least, August.


14 Comments on Check out the date of this Adam Schiff Tweet

  1. Sounds like he wrote the error-filled complaint and just pinned it on someone else.

    And he casually left out the fact that Trump withheld military aid because he said until the Euro leaders
    stepped up and put in some of their own cash, nobody was getting shit from the US.

    And why is that Chalupa bitch (Who is involved in the ‘russian collusion’) tweeting Schiff?


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