After Three Years We Deserve An Impeachment! DO IT! – IOTW Report

After Three Years We Deserve An Impeachment! DO IT!

In the words of that slimy Brit, John Oliver, “Do It! Do It!”

Sparta Report-

We deserve an impeachment! After three long years, the Democrats owe us this and we shouldn’t settle for anything less. In fact, if they need a bit of money, I’d give to a Despicables for Impeaching Trump GoFundMe campaign.

I want to see an Articles of Impeachment written with real words on real paper saying exactly what “high crimes and misdemeanors” the President is guilty of. No more tweets and innuendo along with fake news reporting. And then I want the Democrats to vote on it and pass it with everyone on the record. Step up to the plate and take your swing. Goodness knows you’ve claimed there are a number of balls you could have hit out of the park these last three years.

You’ve managed to impeach the President. Congratulations.

And then we’re done with you folks. You can howl all you want from this point on and you’re irrelevant because the ball is now in the Senate’s court.

Let’s get on with the trial.


13 Comments on After Three Years We Deserve An Impeachment! DO IT!

  1. Impeachment is to the Democrats as threatening a lawsuit is to shakedown artists. They won’t ever really do it because they know their own malfeasance will be exposed for all to see if they do. They just want to use the threat to try and get their way.

  2. I remember a “story” about a GUY that was accused of blasphemy against the Sanhedrin and when presented to the Roman Governor with absolutely NO evidence the Sanhedrin made sure the crowd called for the release of the man accused of TREASON when given the choice. Things NEVER change and they’ll do the same to you or I.

  3. Meanwhile, Fox News radio top of the hour was gleefully touting a new “poll” (rolls eyes) that claims 49% of Americans believe PDJT should be impeached. These slugs are no longer even trying to hide their disdain.
    The other day it was “Today the Dow closed down 79 points.” How petty, they never did that with B. Hussein.

  4. Mittens and the other gutless uniparty rinos are not to be trusted one bit. This is treading on dangerously thin ice. I would rather see Trump do a giant document dump, on all of these deep state traitors before it’s too late. There’s enough ammo at his disposal to sink that ship. Where’s Barr? Where are the rest of the trusted Republicans? Kick some ass, wtf are you waiting for?

  5. “I want to see an Articles of Impeachment written with real words on real paper saying exactly what “high crimes and misdemeanors” the President is guilty of.”

    That’s the problem. They can’t. There aren’t any. But they’ll fabricate something anyway and America will judge it.

  6. “After Three Years We Deserve An Impeachment! DO IT!” If we didn’t have so many traitors in Congress, and if the general public wasn’t so lazy and stupid I would agree. Speaking of Congress, I believe the majority of those TRAITOROUS BASTARDS are so compromised that we can’t afford to challenge them to doing something as deceitful as impeachment.

  7. @mad max.

    I’m not sure if it’s Im Pee fo tee fi or Peach fow tee figh.

    I’ll have to consult my Oxford Dictionary.
    I just did and Peach is a word. And pee is a word. Apparently nothing else uttered by Maxine Watters is.
    So we’re close to deciphering this drooling idiot.

    Let me refer to my Watts dickshunary dat i stole from da libary cuz edumacashun be good.

  8. I want Little Richard Waters, Sheila “MachoMan” Lee, and Guam-tipping Johnson in charge of it. I want Plantation Democraps to SEE just WHO they’ve put their trust in! 😳 😳 😳


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