Facebook Deems Rosh Hashanah “Sexually Provocative” – IOTW Report

Facebook Deems Rosh Hashanah “Sexually Provocative”

Geller Report:

Nerdmeister General , Mark Zuckerberg, has cracked. Utterly and completely.

Anything Jewish is blocked, banned, censored in some form of anything. Anything Islamic is promoted – jihad, sharia etc. @Facebook created over 100 pro-ISIS pages. keep reading

16 Comments on Facebook Deems Rosh Hashanah “Sexually Provocative”

  1. @Jimmy: Yeah, but take a moment to visualize their receptions in rural ME sandboxes, especially Cankles’ and especially if the locals were deprived of ample goats … Besides, you wouldn’t want to give food poisoning to the killer whales or whatever would eat their remains in the Bering Sea. Deranged enough?

  2. You’re absolutely right, forcibly. They both need to have time to ponder the error of their ways. My suggestion was too quick. Plus, the whale thing. Although, a whale seeing Cankles enter its domain would be horrified, no doubt.

  3. Doesn’t he understand that with a name like Zuckerberg, that he’s up at the top of Islam’s list of “Heads to be Removed when we take over the world”? What a clueless dumbass.

  4. After reading this story decided to try searching Jewish, Islamic and christian couples in google search.

    for Islamic and Christian couples I got pretty much what was asked for but for “Jewish couples” you get a lot of same sex and muslim/Jewish marriages/couples few actual jewish couples.

  5. How can atonement which is what Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are about be considered to be sexually provocative? Or is everything sexually provocative according to the idiot left. I hate the left, they just can’t stand anything to do with religion except for their secular pagan godless religions and worship of ma gaia.


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