Man Severely Burned After Falling Into Old Faithful – IOTW Report

Man Severely Burned After Falling Into Old Faithful

KFI: A 48-year-old man is lucky to be alive after falling into a hot spring at the Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone National Park. Cade Edmond Siemers suffered severe burns to most of his body and was rushed to the Burn Center at Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center for treatment.

Siemers told authorities that he went for a walk without a flashlight when he tripped and fell into the scalding hot water. MORE

24 Comments on Man Severely Burned After Falling Into Old Faithful

  1. It’s been an epidemic of idiots this year doing stupid stuff at Yellowstone.

    If you stay on the boardwalks, read the warning signs it’s really hard to fall into a paint pot unless you are drunk, drugged, dumb or your best friend bro thinks it’d be cute to trip you and post the vid to Instagram.

    Keep it up and they will lock down the national parks so your tour guide takes you through in an air conditioned bus-a completely controlled and contained experience-because…idiots!

  2. Years ago a teenage boy slipped on the boardwalk there and fell in and died. He was with his family and was just walking over the hot spring. Never expect national parks services to adequately warn, or protect visitors. They don’t!

  3. If dumb ass, who can’t sense 200 degrees from 10 feet away and he’s a democrat, blame the caldera. If it turns out he’s a conservative throw the book at him. H. Clinton, JD, well maybe, depends on the meaning of JD.

  4. Anonymous with a theme this morning…. but I agree, tRuth not withstanding, this asshole admitted that he was walking amongst the hot cauldron (in the dark!) without a flashlight…. fucking moron! I hope he is billed for all of the emergency services utilized.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  5. How awful! When we visited Yellowstone the first time I made the mistake of buying a book in one of their gift shops, “Life and Death in Yellowstone.” It was about all the ways people have managed to die there. The accounts of people meeting their demise in the thermal pools was graphic and horrifying. Nearly ruined my vacation.

    My prayers are for him — hapless and stupid man that he is — and his loved ones. It will be a miracle if he makes it.

  6. 💲💲💲💲 CHA-CHING! 💲💲💲💲

    That’s a couple of hundred bucks for the Legal Industrial Complex! Everyone is going to skim a little off the top, even though the guy only harmed himself…

  7. Hey tRuth, maybe you should be responsible for your own safety. People like you are the reason for warning signs everywhere and on everything, you’re like 7 year olds that need constant supervision. Grow the fuck up.

  8. I just have to mention the short poem Jim by Hillaire Belloc in Bill Bennett’s Book Of Virtues which was my oldest daughter’s favorite book as a small kid. Who ran away from his Nurse, and was eaten by a Lion. It’s in the first chapter on Self Discipline on pages 33-35.

  9. @Rick: tRuth has obviously never been to Yellowstone. There are signs everywhere warning of the danger of not staying on the boardwalks. What they DON’T have is 6 foot high fences to protect idiots. Yet.
    Here at Crater Lake NP, they have low walls and signs. Every year, some idiot hops over the wall to “get a better look” and falls 1000 feet into the lake. It’s a Darwin thing.

  10. The Cliffs of Moher in Ireland are amazing. There is not a fence to be found so as not to spoil the natural beauty and the views. Even kids are allowed to walk right up to the edge of cliffs that are 700 feet straight down. The parents are responsible and if you are stupid enough to fall, well, that’s just too bad.


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