Mahk Tries Burger King’s “Impossible Whopper” – IOTW Report

Mahk Tries Burger King’s “Impossible Whopper”

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If Commercials Were Real Life – Burger King Impossible Whopper.

50 Comments on Mahk Tries Burger King’s “Impossible Whopper”

  1. I’ve *never* understood why people who don’t want to eat meat would want something to *taste* like meat.

    I got *no* problem with the “form” of something (e.g. a veggie burger in a bun)…but the TASTE?!

    I mean, nice that BK wants some more veg customers, but WHY TRY TO PERSUADE MEAT EATERS, then?!

  2. I tried ‘cricket flour’ chips a couple of years ago. They are made up of ground-up crickets, so high protein, coated with the usual chip flavorings. They tasted just like a regular sour cream & onion Dorito – but I ate 3 and was done, just couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that it was crickets. As long as the regular thing is available I think I’ll stick with it.

  3. SHIT SANDWICH! If i would have been chewing pure SD grown beef i would have to wipe off my screen.

    I wont have one. I live half a block downwind from a BK for 18 months back in 75. I will never eat there again.

  4. @Beachmon, When I first went to school in Boston, many years ago, I was ordering a sandwich at a deli. I went back and forth 5 times because I thought he was asking if I wanted my sandwich on a hot roll. I said no, a cold roll. And he would say not hot, but “haught”. I finally figured out that he was “trying to say” hard.
    That was my intruduction to the Boston accent.
    As an addendum I would like to point out that by Brooklyn-born father was heavy on the R’s. You sit on a sofer, you drink a soder.

  5. Dear Dairy Queen,

    I love my Dairy Queen (and I eat you a lot), but you probably haven’t experienced Bison that’s been pampered and well-fed, i.e., fat!

    Just imagine everything you like about beef – and double it!

    It’s not fan food, it’s Bison!

  6. How come it costs the same?
    Its plants.
    Should be cheaper.
    I agree with whoever, why make something that is not meat taste like meat.
    How about offer some cool falafel or some other such like, and pickled turnips like at the Armenian stands. Make your asses some real money

  7. Gave up on bugger king when they launched social justice ad re women getting more of this/less of that for gender equality. Then, as a guest, I had to go along with a group. That bugger king was full of bumsickles, homeless, druggies, the great unwashed, and other democrats. Even the youngest in our group were grossed out. Eff bugger king.

  8. Jellybean for the win! Get the f’ out of my kitchen! We love meat which was once termed not healthy, to now had the head blown off of these past studies! Eat meat!!!

  9. @Lazlo The Elder – They don’t cost the same, as I went to a Burger King the past weekend just to ask if anyone was buying the Impossible Whopper (they girl at the counter said sales are really slow), at which time I noticed they’re charging $1.00 more for it than a real Whopper. So, you get less flavor for a higher price, what a bargain!

  10. Impossible Burger is a way for Al Gore to dump his fake hamburgers after they don’t sell at the supermarket. BK is now on my boycott list after they jumped into bed with him.

  11. I will tell you you that I have never eaten a veggie burger in my life. And I never will. Because I know what the f’ is in my beef burger and I don’t know what the f’ is in my Wonder Burger.

  12. Cows eat hay. A farmer can make about $500 per acre selling his hay. He can make $2500 per acre growing marijuana. All over my God-forsaken state, farmers have stopped growing hay, and are growing pot instead. I wonder what that is going to do to the cost of beef.

  13. “Hold the beef, hold the flavor,
    We have a burger that’s a little ‘grayer’.
    We realize this crap sandwich hasn’t a prayer.
    Choke on it to-day. To AlGore we pray.
    Choke on it to-day, choke on it & pay!”

  14. Meerkat Brz, I have had the “soft roll/hard roll” question thrown at me at delis, too…”Do you want a hard roll or soft roll?”…what they really mean is, “Are you gonna make us give you a fresh soft roll that we would like to save for our good customers, or can we somehow sucker you into a 3 day old stale hard roll, by making it sound like a legitimate choice?”…

  15. I only eat meat I’ve killed. Some of it out of season. Well shit, 99 % of it out of season. But when a Black Tail eating your Petunias what are you suppose to do. Back Strap barbecue. That’s what I’m speaken about.

  16. McDonalds jumped in on the meatless burger as well, I’ve been seeing commercials for it. I never eat at Burger King and only eat at McDonalds when my grandkids want a happy meal. However, I was curious if either one was stupid enough to try and put them on the local menu. McDonalds said no they didn’t have it and this location was not a location where it would be tested.

    Burger King didn’t have it on the drive-thru menu, but said they did have it and then asked if I wanted any fries or drink with that. I told them no and I didn’t want a plant based burger either, but asked them if they could whip me up a real meat burger that looked and tasted like a carrot. The kid started dying laughing and then told me that he wouldn’t try it either and that it was going to be a huge bust around here.

  17. Why do they try, to make it taste like MEAT.., if MEAT is so damn bad. No thanks. I will enjoy my grass fed beef products like I always have, bacon wrapped.

  18. Shit food from a company that recently dropped the word “Ham” from Hamburger in some locations so as not to “offend” a certain segment of their clientele. Hey BK, you forget who made you famous? It wasn’t the sand people.

  19. Fake meat.
    Fake news.
    Fake impeachment.
    Fake women.
    Fake men.
    Fake time (Daylight “saving”).
    Fake college entrances (Affirmative Action, et al).
    Fake 1st Amendment.
    Fake 2nd Amendment.
    Fake FISA “judges.”
    Fake FBI “investigations.”
    Fake border “security.”
    Fake immigration.
    Fake “sanctuary.”
    Fake “religion of peace.”

    WTF is going on?
    Why the effort at falsity?
    Hmmm …

    izlamo delenda est …


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