Zuckerberg threatens lawsuit if Liz Warren wins the presidency – IOTW Report

Zuckerberg threatens lawsuit if Liz Warren wins the presidency

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai weighs in on a potential lawsuit between Facebook and the U.S. government.

13 Comments on Zuckerberg threatens lawsuit if Liz Warren wins the presidency

  1. Apparently, the Zuck thinks Warren has a good chance of winning or he wouldn’t be talking about it seriously. (unless he has some kind of hidden agenda at play here)

    Does anyone else think she could win? How and why?

  2. I’ve always liked Pai, the exact antithesis of Tom Wheeler, Pai understands the basics of capitalism, that talent, profit motive and ingenuity attract capital which creates the infrastructure and builds the products that the public wants (and demands).

    Naturally, it’s fun for us to watch these two despicable people butting heads, both deserve to lose.

  3. Oh, come on, people! Just cuz Liz said it doesn’t mean she has any intention of doing so. It’s just to entertain and keep the idiots on the left motivated to vote for her. If elected, not that that will happen, she will have plenty of opportunities to form a Foundation and have the tech lords finance here retirement to the tune of billions of dollars.

  4. Zuckerberg would eat a bucket of her shit on live TV is she became president.
    He’s another self-hating rich asshole who want all of US (not him and the other rich assholes) to suffer in the Gulag while he pontificates from Olympus.
    Warren has a better chance of being named Pope than being (fairly – without rampant Demonrat fraud) elected President of the United States.

    And Zuckerberg knows it – this is another shell game – another diversion.

    izlamo delenda est …


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