Newsweek Profiles a Former Trump Supporter Who Was A Moron BEFORE He Switched To Elizabeth Warren – IOTW Report

Newsweek Profiles a Former Trump Supporter Who Was A Moron BEFORE He Switched To Elizabeth Warren

Good riddance to the imbecile. He didn’t support Trump for the right reasons when he was running around with his MAGA hat.

If you can switch to Elizabeth Warren because you don’t like the president’s insults then you’re pretty much a mental deficient.


Weissman, an Army veteran with more than 95,000 Twitter followers, wrote that he spent a couple of years defending Trump and calling media critical of the president “fake news,” before realizing he “had always been aggressive and mean.”

“I wanted to force my views on people. There was never a debate—I used insults and ad hominem attacks,” Weissman wrote. “These tactics didn’t get me anywhere.”

Weissman recounted that a liberal comedian, Sarah Silverman, reached out to him after he attacked her online and “used kindness, which was not expected, and she got my attention.” Weissman said Silverman told him why she did not like Trump “without any arguments,” and that he learned about Democratic values as other liberals communicated kindly with him.


So the pea brain didn’t know the liberal ideals and platform before Sara Silverman got hold of him?

Go back to sleep, Pappy. You’re a dope.

ht/ illustr8r

23 Comments on Newsweek Profiles a Former Trump Supporter Who Was A Moron BEFORE He Switched To Elizabeth Warren

  1. Yep. I totally believe that story.

    But they left out the part where a tractor beam pulled him up to the mother ship with the last original copy of the constitution and they sped off to planet NOROM. (Lacking a mirror they hadn’t figured out their destination).

  2. “…and that he learned about Democratic values as other liberals communicated kindly with him…”

    Kindly? Kindly? Are you kidding me? Liberals are the meanest, smuggest and most arrogant people I know. They’re snakes in the grass who speak with forked tongue.

    Me thinks Weissman aint too bright – he’s the other component of the democrat party: the useful idiot.

  3. If you run into a “real” military Vet that doesn’t support Trump there’s something seriously wrong with them. I use to shoot a lot with an older MARSOC guy. He had recently retired from a back injury. One hell of a shooter. A door kicker. The guy was married to an American Indian and had two daughters attending some premiere institution of higher indoctrination. Bottom line in the space of the year I knew him he moved over to the side of evil. I had to stop hanging out with him it got so bad.
    So if they guy in the story is legit, which I doubt, who knows why he actually turned.

  4. Yeah yeah yeah, remember all the phony “I used to toe the line and vote Republican, but now I’m a Republican for Hillary” videos? lol. Turned out they worked in her campaign from the beginning.
    LOL. Laaaame.

  5. He finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel.


    (It was the headlight of a liberal freight train loaded with falsehoods, lies, betrayals, crime and human failure.)

    Old men do go bad, sometimes.

  6. A “former” Trump supporter ???? HAHAHAHAHAHA NO SUCH THING.

    This fiction piece screams of desperation and liberal tears. I can not wait for the leftist meltdown after this election. These turds totally drank the Obama “Hope & Change” kool-aid. Dopes.

  7. The stories they tell themselves to get through the day…

    “I wanted to force my views on people. There was never a debate—I used insults and ad hominem attacks,” Weissman wrote. “These tactics didn’t get me anywhere.”

    IOW, always a leftist. A budget Jason Kessler. Or maybe they felt that the elitist establishment nevertrumpers were passé, and it was time for a working class rust belt nevertrumper. If this is an example of walking & chewing gum at the same time, color me underwhelmed.

  8. Uh, yeah, right. Brain dead liberal probably has a poster of Rosie O’Donnell, sporting a set of balls and one helluva schlong, hanging from the ceiling of his bedroom full of cats.


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