AOC Meets One Of Her Climate Minions – “We Have To Begin To Eat the Babies” – IOTW Report

AOC Meets One Of Her Climate Minions – “We Have To Begin To Eat the Babies”

ht/ meerkat

50 Comments on AOC Meets One Of Her Climate Minions – “We Have To Begin To Eat the Babies”

  1. AOC didn’t challenge her or say she was insane. She said we have more than a few months.
    The party of dead babies. Abort them whenever possible. If they survive and are born, they need to be eaten.

  2. Well, you do have to wait months….you have to let them babies ripen….12 years we’re all dead anyways….12 years times 9 months gestation?….I figure we all need more rice and beans…..

  3. I’m leaning towards Climate Change Derangement Syndrome. I think the woman is serious. Just look at all the TDS. The news is gaslighting like crazy and sending a certain, but small, unstable population into a frantic hell

    It doesn’t make sense that she’s on our side and a plant because they would never show it on their side this would only be showed on our side.

    Morning Joe or Rachel Maddow are not going to show this.

  4. Seriously, Tucker just covered this on FOX. It’s kinda of a dead give away when the lips don’t match the dialogue. However, the important part of this is the left/socialist/agenda21 asshole definitely want to thin the heard. Reduce the population. But not them. Just kill the conservatives. You know, the asshole with the guns. I say let’s do this.

    The night we met I knew I needed you so
    And if I had the chance I’d stick a fork in you, yo
    So won’t you satisfy me
    I want you in my belly
    We’ll make a culinary experience, & you’ll go so good with Pinot Grigio

    So won’t you, please
    (Be my, be my baby) Be my dinner, baby
    (My one and only baby) Say you’ll be my dinner
    (Be my, be my baby) Be my dinner now

    I’ll marinate you, baby, just wait and see
    For every calorie you give me, I’ll pass gas silently
    Oh, since the day I saw you
    I’ve have hunger pains for you
    You know I have salivated for you, even in maternity

    So won’t you, please
    (Be my, be my baby) Be my dinner, baby
    (My one and only baby) Say you’ll be my dinner
    (Be my, be my baby) Be my dinner now

    … apologies to Jeff Barry & Ellie Greenwich

  6. Got through 0:58, completely unhinged, like a warped door.

    @1:15 note the female communist handler gently putting down the other female communist nut job.

    @1:33 Cortez Senior Communist nut – “we have a few more months” in her reaction to her own constituent.

    These American made Alinsky Communists have to be reckoned with.

  7. I don’t know much about body language, but look at Cortez, when she is reacting to the fellow Communista, she looks down, batting her eyes, at the person she is taking to.



  8. Wait wait wait, I have no beef with the idiot professors reality who wants to eat Baby barbecue, placenta soup, Juvenile Jubilee, Poached pre puberty meat, Pickled babies feet, Pickled infant. Fertilized egg omelette. However waiting 9 months for your next meal seems a little extreme.
    Dude, her back was turned 95% of the time. Go watch Tucker, it was hilarious.

  9. The left IS this insane. If it is a parody, it’s based on reality. Telling already corrupt. power hungry and disturbed individuals they have 12 years to live, then insist Hope and Change only works when socialism is involved, makes madness. This is how leftists like the ones in the video are created – AOC and the Swedish lunatic.

    BTW, Mini AOC is back including her new alter ego, Alyssa Milano. .

  10. When debating “moral atheists” (the hardcore anti-god, materialist/Darwinists who insist no God is necessary) I would often ask: On the basis of Materialism alone, and with no appeal to any Transcendent reality or constructs. can you explain to me why I should not eat my neighbor?

    Whether or not she’s trolling (she does come across as a bit over-the-top), it’s another occasion to reflect on the insanity that is sweeping over people.

    – Will CheOC be asked to renounce such an idea? Does she vehemently disagree with such an assertion or will it be left for us to assume that “of course she doesn’t!”
    – With the Left now so at ease with the killing of children right up to the moment of birth, what prevents the killing of them the very moment after they’re born? Can the Left explain this moral construct?
    – If saving the planet from Human activity is the goal, then reducing the number of Humans is an inevitable function of The State. What is the source of your confidence, those who would say “oh that would never happen?”

  11. Ted, I use a condensed version of the same argument which boils down to asking them, “Says who?” as many times as it takes. Eventually they come around to admitting that, in the end, they default to Might Makes Right, that raw force and violence is ultimately their “God” of right and wrong. They usually seem eerily fine with that, as I also make sure to point out.

  12. Buy fava bean futures.

    Only thing better would have been a backing chorus singing to the tune of “The Ride of the Valkyies”, “Eat the babies!

  13. There are no babies for commies to eat, they either abort them or are gay and can’t reproduce them, or they are celibate Gaia lovers.

    And they sure are not going to be able to eat the babies of Grizzly mamas…

    The blank look on Affliction on Citizens face was priceless though.

  14. Parody or real, the reaction of everyone else is scary shit. Not one person gasped, booed, laughed, told her she was insane, tried to shut her up. They just all calmly stared at her with not one disagreeing with her. That was not the reaction of normal people.

  15. I am appalled by the comments about this video. I suspect reading Johnathan Swift isn’t required in high school these days. Duck Duck Go “A Modest Proposal.”

    The give away was when she stated that even bombing Russia wasn’t going to help. She probably reads tThe Onion and The People’s Cube. Comedy and parody require some elements of the truth to be effective.’She was great.

    The best part was watching the brain dead attendees including the childlike bartender masquerading as a congresswoman’s reaction to her. Yes, they are that PC and ignorant:

  16. Does not matter if it is parody.

    It is the consistent and logical end point of evil Leftist nihilistic policies and their despicable world view. Hell will be fully occupied by Democrats who murder babies and throw parades for sexual perverts.

  17. I strongly agree with the few commenters on here who pointed out that even if this woman was trolling AOC- at the time no one in attendance knew that- and not one of them objected, interfered, argued with her or even bothered to look appalled by what she was saying.

    There is something horrific about that.


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