Star Stanford Swimmer Says He Was Kicked Off Team Because He’s Gay – IOTW Report

Star Stanford Swimmer Says He Was Kicked Off Team Because He’s Gay

Kicked off a COLLEGE team in Silicon Valley just south of San Francisco because he’s gay?? I don’t think so.

San Fran-

An accomplished former Stanford swimmer claimed on an Instagram post that he was kicked off the university’s team because he’s gay.

Abrahm Devine said in a caption under a picture of himself that he is the only openly-gay swimmer on his level.

During his time at Stanford, he became an NCAA champion, broke several Stanford swim records and was named the Pac-12 Conference Swimmer of the Year.

In a Stanford YouTube video Devine said “It was a really easy decision for me to choose Stanford.”

He graduated earlier this year but he isn’t returning this fall as a postgraduate, he said, because of his sexuality.

He wrote “Why is it my job to educate coaches and athletes at the most resourceful university in the world?”

He went on to say “Plain and simple: There are surface level reasons I was kicked off the Stanford swim team but I can tell you with certainty that it comes down to the fact that I am gay.”

Stanford assistant athletics director Brian Risso responded with a statement that said, in part “It is truly unfortunate Abe feels this way. That said, Abe wasn’t invited back to train with us this fall, as a postgraduate, for reasons entirely unrelated to his sexuality.”

“Stanford has always been a very open and inclusive space,” said Stanford freshman Emily Guo. “If (Devine’s claim) was true I would be very shocked and surprised.”


ht/ harbqll

23 Comments on Star Stanford Swimmer Says He Was Kicked Off Team Because He’s Gay

  1. “Abrahm Devine said in a caption under a picture of himself that he is the only openly-gay swimmer on his level.”

    And there’s the rub, so to speak. Does being ‘openly-gay’ justify chasing the other swimmers around naked in the locker room??

  2. He’s not “gay” – openly or otherwise – he’s a pervert – a homosexual – a deviant.

    His “sexuality” should never have been an aspect of his swimming – in or out of the locker room. Do fag swimmers swim any differently from regular swimmers? How about “abstinence” swimmers? Or those swimmers who prefer ducks?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It’s always about $$$.
    Stanford kicked him off the team because all the other swimmers were demanding more chlorine in the water after this twink got in the pool.

  4. …it just becomes automatic at some point to claim you’re a “victim of discrimination” when your used to getting your way because of some PC privilege.

    …a great example of this was, many years ago, maybe even Bush I’s America, my sister was a precinct judge during some minor election, not even a national type one. She was a White woman, and was assigned to work in a predominantly Black ward, with the actual polling place inside the community room of an African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church, a denomination not noted for it’s White dominance.

    A Black poll worker called her because a Black man was not in the registration book, and was not willing to accept he couldn’t vote as a result. Because they still had, you know, actual rules back then, she had to affirm what the poll worker said.


    …She was surprised for a moment, but then simply gestured to the room, in the Black church, with paintings of Black pastors on the walls, filled with Black people voting on ballots they got from Black poll workers, and simply said, “Look around.”

    The subtext, of course, being that if she WAS trying to deny the Black vote, she was doing a piss-poor job of it.

    …the man, at this point being stared at by a roomful of people as Black as he, and not living in a post-“Obama” world where Al Sharpton is on speed-dial, actually shut up and actually looked embarrassed, and left without further ado.

    …point being that it’s just pure reflex at this point. Not getting your way? Claim whatever discrimination you can until you DO.

    …they only do it, because it WORKS…

  5. “… Abe wasn’t invited back to train with us this fall, as a postgraduate, for reasons entirely unrelated to his sexuality.”

    Like maybe he’d used up all his eligibility??


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