Striking Michigan UAW Workers Support Trump and See Through Democrat Impeachment Scheme – IOTW Report

Striking Michigan UAW Workers Support Trump and See Through Democrat Impeachment Scheme


Everything about this short news segment has to be devastating to democrat candidates, party leadership, DC politicians and the DNC as a whole.  CNN went to Michigan to interview striking United Auto Workers (GM) about the current state of politics and impeachment of President Trump.  Man-o-man, do the results cut the legs out from the professional political apparatus.

First, in a seismic overall political shift the striking UAW workers support President Trump, not democrats.  Why?  Because President Trump has been calling out GM CEO Mary Barra for not negotiating a win/win.  There is no economic reason for a strike.  Second, the striking workers can see through the insufferable political agenda of the Democrats.  This outcome is devastating to the democrats overall. read more

6 Comments on Striking Michigan UAW Workers Support Trump and See Through Democrat Impeachment Scheme

  1. “First, in a seismic overall political shift the striking UAW workers support President Trump, not democrats. Why?”

    Because they chose to sleep with the AIDS-infested Obola. Sorry not sorry.

    And now they ‘support Trump’ because they want to avoid their just fate.

  2. …meanwhile, Union “leadership” continues to use striking workers’ dues to support Democrats and uses the workers themselves as political pawns because they continue to willingly walk the picket lines for their corrupt leaders, so nothing will change…


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