Wrinkles The Clown – IOTW Report

Wrinkles The Clown

There’s a new documentary out on the 65-year-old who dresses up as a creepy clown to scare young and old into being good around Naples, Florida. “Wrinkles the Clown” purports to “go behind the mask” and give the audience what it most wants in the run up to Halloween; a glimpse at a dude making a buck giving people the heebee jeebees. More

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14 Comments on Wrinkles The Clown

  1. Grool said “Why are there no black clowns?”
    Al Sharpton, Jussie Smollett, Jesse Jackson, Rep. Al Green, Rep Ilhan Omar come to mind. Special “Wannabe” awards goes to Sean “Talcum X” King and Nkeche Diallo.


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