‘Hundreds’ of young trans people seeking help to return to original sex – IOTW Report

‘Hundreds’ of young trans people seeking help to return to original sex

A woman who detransitioned in 2018 says there are many people who have had gender reassignment surgery who wish they hadn’t.

Sky News-

Charlie Evans, 28, was born female but identified as male for nearly 10 years before detransitioning.

The number of young people seeking gender transition is at an all-time high but we hear very little, if anything, about those who may come to regret their decision.

There is currently no data to reflect the number who may be unhappy in their new gender or who may opt to detransition to their biological sex.


40 Comments on ‘Hundreds’ of young trans people seeking help to return to original sex

  1. a very sad situation … put the blame squarely on the ‘progressive’ feminists that run today’s educational system, entertainment industry or leftist governmental ‘progressives’ for this mental dinfestation that has permeated our young people

    seriously, if you cannot tell which sex you are, you need help … your chromosomes don’t lie … get over yourself

    we’re all freaks trying to fit in … deal with it!

  2. RadioMattM
    OCTOBER 6, 2019 AT 1:14 AM
    “But heaven forbid anyone try and talk the people out of making the mistake in the first place.”

    …nowdays, it’s considered “child abuse” if you do anything BUT immediately cut, paste, and drug your child the INSTANT he puts a foot in Mama’s shoe, no matter that he’s only 3…

  3. The doctors should be in prison for mutilating bodies a young people who were/are serious mental problems. Suing them means nothing. They have insurance to cover that. Send them to prison. No insurance plan for that.

  4. This episode of “trans” hysteria is going to have a Wikipedia entry that rivals the 17th C. Salem witch phenomenon; that’s just how nuts people will think it was that anyone could ignore the settled science of biology in the 21st C. or that parents would not just willingly ruin their children’s lives, but that they would go against every natural parental instinct and rush headlong and with great pride to do it!

  5. Kinda like tattoo’s, impulsive decisions driven by popular culture with lasting consequences.
    Anyone who has sexual reassignment surgery on a whim deserves no pity, only a psychological evaluation.

  6. “Life’s tough. It’s even tougher when you’re dumb.”
    (dead white dude)

    There are some things in life that you can’t just shout “Olly olly in-come free!” and everything is OK. “Jumanji” is a fuckin movie! There seems to be (almost) a whole retarded development thing going on in the world. The perverts make really insane decisions, jumping on bandwagons that should be eliciting sniggers (that’s not racist), the politicians keep getting caught with their pants down (see Schitt and Pelosi), the FBI stumbles over its own deceits, the courts back un-Constitutional stupidities, Academia supports and pushes the absurd Globaloney Warming agenda (make NO mistake, it’s NOT science – it’s POLITICS), and the entire complex of lies expects to be taken seriously.

    And we stumble along as though in a stupor.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Yer a Dumb Ass, deal with it.
    Ask me to help pay for it and I’ll tell you to get yer dumb, sniveling, confused, sick ass to a mental institution where it should have been in the first GD place!!

  8. If she is a strong woman get her face out there in tv interviews, magazines, radio, meetings etc etc etc and have her tell her and others stories. I say strong because the moment she comes out she will be attacked and she must be able to have the strength of character to withstand what’s coming from the left. We can protect her to a point but the final and most telling stand must come from her.

  9. Ah… such a bummer when the ‘Trend’ isn’t ‘Trendy’ anymore. It’s like being first to buy one of those ridiculous tiny purses… the ones that hold only a lipstick. Yea, on the cutting end of fashion …. for a month.

  10. Cate is correct:

    Many seem like lonely attention seekers that get the attention and purpose they need until the job is done. Then the attention goes away and leaves them more lonely than before.

    I feel bad for them in the end but my sympathy is short lived when I think about how militant and hostile their movement is to the rest of us who just want to live our lives in a more traditional way.

    Their mode of operation is to shame, sue and ruin the rest of us and police our language.

  11. Wait, many of these people also suffer from autism? Denver just passed raising the age to buy cigarettes to 21 but you can decide to change your sex as a teen even if you have diagnosed autism. Makes perfect sense.

  12. Kcir is correct.

    Language matters.

    Let me add some clarifications.
    1. Chromosomes do not lie. There is no way to change your sex despite makeup, wardrobe adjustments, acting lessons, hormones, or mutilation surgery.
    2. There are some people who CHOOSE to be homosexual. The nice word “gay” was stolen and should never be used to put a positive spin on depravity.
    3. Political Correctness is simply censorship by thought police.

  13. I don’t eat out much, prefer to cook actually, nor do I go out much (too many hobbies and tinkering with things take up a lot of my time). Yesterday, I went out with a couple of my buddies… went fishing, indoor range, hit a couple of breweries (after the range, trust me) and then we stopped at a Village Inn. First time I’ve ever seen a third restroom, marked “Unisex.” I just shook my head and made me think “have we really come to this?” I knew they were out there, but you just hope to never see one. So sick of this political correctness that is constantly shoved down our throats.

  14. What is the purpose for promoting the trans agenda? When we flash back to pre-flood days and witness the perversion of human DNA by the nephilim (see Gen:6). And then read Christs words “as it was in the days of Noah, so SHALL IT BE in the end times”. I am convinced the next step is a merger of computer technology with human brains. This tranny crap is just to soften humanity up to accept demonic implantation.

    Think about it

  15. @Anonymous OCTOBER 6, 2019 AT 1:10 AM
    So when will michelle obama detransitioned? – After barack is hanged?


  16. @ scr_north, chances are she is not up to it….. She is as crazy as a shithouse rat?…… My proof? She had herself mutilated and drugged for ten years seeking happiness and found nothing. Perhaps she should be introduced to The Christ, Jesus.
    I do feel sorry for her and all of those who suffer from mental illness.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

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