Is it FOX or CNN? – IOTW Report

Is it FOX or CNN?

Sometimes, you can’t tell.

Via MEMEWORLD <—go say hi.

12 Comments on Is it FOX or CNN?

  1. I haven’t watched Fox in years and prefer OAN. Fox prior to prime time is all about focusing on the MSM narrative and they have had a growing liberal and never trump type faction for years. The one time I turned on Fox for enjoyment was the night Trump won. Watching Megan Kelly and Brett Beir visibly shaken and both crying over Trump’s epic victory was the highlight of my experience watching Fox.

  2. One could mistake Fox for CNN, but so far not the reverse.

    The Murdoch brats obviously have enough money, otherwise, they would get the hook for the likes of Juan Williams. Geraldo Spanish Riviera, judge Neapolitan, the fake Pearl Bailey, that cone-head guy, and Sheperd Snuffy Smith.

  3. When Congress was debating taking RomneyCar national (2/09 – 4/09) Bot came up with total bogus pools saying 90% of America wanted romneyCare. Fo even had Mitt on 156 times a week for 3 months touting Romneycare. and they replayed his propaganda another 75 times a week.

    13 months later, when the actual, real, Americans – the Americans voted to have the state tell its AG to se to repeal romneyCare with 75% in favor of repeal.

    At least in terms of Ryan RomneyCare fox is slightly left of CNN. Both are the most liberal of “news” casters.

  4. Tucker Carlson is all I watch anymore … occasional insHannity (when Levin or Tammy are on) … sometimes catch Levin on Sunday … that’s it

    She Who Must Be Obeyed watches the Morning Crap to catch up on the latest shit being flung at Trump … but I insist it be turned off @ 9:00 AM to listen to Chris Plante WMAL 105.9

  5. Fox Business with Lou Dobbs, Liz Mac, Stewart Varney, Charles Payne, etc. They still seem to have the freedom to say what they want. We don’t watch Fox News any more. Unless it’s a clip of Mark Levin ripping the “orange man bad” crew.


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