It’s Looking More and More Like Hillary May Waddle For President – IOTW Report

It’s Looking More and More Like Hillary May Waddle For President


Bill and Hillary Clinton attended the gala opening of Tyler Perry studios in Atlanta on Sunday evening amid rumors Hillary may launch a 2020 bid for the White House.

Hillary Clinton always cozies up to the rich and famous elites — especially when she’s making a run for the White House. reportedThe 330-acre space in Atlanta — the first studio exclusively owned by an African-American — features 12 soundstages named for black entertainment icons, and sits on a former Confederate Army base.

Hillary Clinton was spotted at the event wrapped in a gold and white muumuu.

see it HERE

This is NOT what she wore. Rumor has it she wore curtains…

40 Comments on It’s Looking More and More Like Hillary May Waddle For President

  1. That gold mummu looks like she was trying to look like an African old maid. Or a nightgown.
    I wonder which accent she used.

    Let her run. Trump isn’t afraid of bringing up her sordid past like the whimpy R’s.

  2. Since The Donald is just marking time… keeping some of what Empress Hillary wouldn’t have done from being done this Thursday, instead of next Tuesday… not rolling back what Emperor Barack achieved (and giving Ivanka bad feelz)… let’s just call it Tuesday And get on with it.

  3. Since The Donald is just marking time… keeping some of what Empress Hillary would have done from being done this Thursday, instead of next Tuesday… not rolling back what Emperor Barack achieved (and giving Ivanka bad feelz)… let’s just call it Tuesday. And get on with it.

  4. From the Comment Section (Answering to a Gone with the Wind quote)

    ‘Closer to Carol Burnett’s spoof of it… Went With the Wind, wherein she wore curtains with the rod still attached. When asked where she got it, she replied ‘I just saw them hanging in the window and couldn’t resist’.

  5. The Democrat base will absolutely lose their shit, if they make the Wicked Witch the candidate. Could you even imagine being saddled with the current crop of goofs, only to have some backroom deal to make Hitlary the chosen one. They will boycott the election and Hitlary will be a 3 time LOSER!

  6. Book deals on the table already, What Happened Two, or What Happened Again, or Vast Right Wing Conspiracy And the Illegitimate President and The last lost Shoe.
    Help me out here I think we need a contest.

  7. Bill Clinton is still a rapist. And just because you killed Epstein doesn’t mean we forgot about Pedo Island. Maybe you should have heart-attacked Bill instead of Bernie.

  8. Is her staff gonna wheel her around on a hand-truck like Hannibal Lecter so she doesn’t have any falling down incidents? Ought to be one helluva photo-op. Bonus, she could wear the mask too.

  9. Are The Little Rascals stacked on top of each other under that mumu so they can sneak into a movie or something?

    Jesus. That other woman in the pic didn’t mean to stand next to her but was sucked into her orbit by the gravitational pull. Mao Se Tons.

    I demand a random purse check for hot sauces.

  10. A not-very-well implemented, human-like body prosthesis, a la “Men In Black.”
    The lumps are where the tentacles are. Yes, it’s an extra-terrestrial, folks.
    And it wants to Serve Man.

  11. She’s not running. She wants people to think she is so she can do more interviews and speeches for top dollar. How could she, anyway? it’s the quickest way to get trashed by the others, plus she’s under an investigation. If she runs, she will have to answer questions. Just like what’s happening to Joe Biden.

  12. I desperately want to see a Cankles Liawatha cat-fight, because you know Lyin’ Lizzie isn’t going down easy. Trump can mop up what’s left.

    And has Cankles gotten more likeable in her absence from the public eye?

    Maybe they could buy her Wheelies so they could just tip her backwards and roll her from place to place.

  13. It is getting to the point there is going to have to be a brokered convention for these so called dems not currently running to get the nomination. So I think we should do them a solid and another Rush Limbaugh operation chaos to ensure Pocahontas gets the nomination.

  14. I cannot imagine how anyone who knows anything could even think about electing that 5 pound sack of potato’s.
    it has to be potato’s because of all the lumps sticking out of the sack.

    we need a contest to guess just what it is she’s hiding under the tent.


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