Number Of Illegal Alien Deportations Going Up – IOTW Report

Number Of Illegal Alien Deportations Going Up


Trump Surges Deportations of Illegal Aliens by 453 Percent in Recent Months.

President Trump’s administration deported more than 2,500 illegal aliens in the last two months who had arrived at the United States-Mexico border and claimed to be part of a family unit.

Federal data obtained by Breitbart News reveals that since August, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has deported more than 2,500 illegal aliens who arrived as a family unit at the southern border and have final orders for removal.

Over these two months, ICE agents arrested another 275 illegal aliens who arrived as family units at the border. All of these illegal aliens arrested have final orders for removal, meaning they have gone through the asylum and immigration courts and have been found not to be eligible to stay in the U.S.

Compare these deportation numbers to that of Fiscal Year 2018, when ICE deported 2,711 illegal aliens who arrived as family units at the border for the entire year.

This indicates that about 226 illegal aliens claiming to be part of a family unit were deported every month last year compared to about 1,250 deported each month in August and September of this year — a more than 453 percent increase in illegal family unit deportations based on monthly totals. read more

7 Comments on Number Of Illegal Alien Deportations Going Up

  1. I’m more interested in the total number that enter and then stay here, and even more so the number that are granted residency under various guises, than in just the number that are deported.

    It’s the foreigners that come here to remain what they are, instead of assimilating and becoming Americans, and make their living off of Americans that matters. They usually also demand we change to accommodate them so they can remain foreigners without making any changes themselves in the process.

  2. @Anonymous October 10, 2019 at 8:54 am

    > It’s the foreigners that come here to remain what they are, instead of assimilating and becoming Americans, and make their living off of Americans that matters.

    Do you even try to math, bruh? “What they are”, as explicitly “not American”, is the reason, the entire point, the sole (absolutely only) purpose, of “immigration”. (Which applies to all “immigration”, so replace “America” with your locale of choice.)

    Nobody expends their (and, commonly, others’) resources to do “more of the same, but now with less, over there, instead of here”. Nobody expends (always) others’ resources to do “more of the same, but now with less, here, instead of there”. Forcing local change you want, that the current locale refuses to submit to, with foreign bodies (none dare call it “invasion”), is the only time “immigration” maths, bruh.


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