Vegan Who Was Tricked Into Eating Chicken Nugget Calls Police On Friends – IOTW Report

Vegan Who Was Tricked Into Eating Chicken Nugget Calls Police On Friends

Most vegans are pretty firm in their food choices and often times, meat-eating folk are not very tolerable of their lifestyles. Typically those opinions only come out in conversations or debates, but one vegan’s friends took their feelings to a whole other level and now they are in trouble with the law.

The 24-year-old vegan explained everything that went down in a Reddit post, where she first described how she’s been a steadfast vegan for a decade and a vegetarian since she was three, when she learned where meat came from. She said that everyone in her life seemed to respect that but at a recent party she got “white girl wasted” and her friends felt it would be funny to feed her a chicken nugget as a prank. read more

24 Comments on Vegan Who Was Tricked Into Eating Chicken Nugget Calls Police On Friends

  1. Her friends made fun of her too. Boo hoo. Maybe she should just be happy when she was s@itfaced all that happened was she ate chicken. She was not raped. All though leave it to the SJWs to treat it the same.

  2. When I was in college we went to a mexican restaurant and while my girlfriend was in the powder room with the rest of the girls I used refried beans to build a reservoir on her fork and filled it up with super duper hot sauce and covered it over with a lettuce leaf and other goodies before strategically placing it on her plate. I still have the stab marks in my shoulder confirming that women lack a proper sense of humor

  3. She began as a vegetarian at the age of THREE?! when she realized where meat came from? How many here know of 3yr olds that loves only vegetables? I’d love to have been there when she had that discussion with her parents that she’s a vegetarian at THREE!!

  4. I’ve been tricked to eat things I didn’t want to eat, yet I never called the police. I can’t even use being young as an excuse for tricking someone into eating something. When my daughter was in high school she had this friend who annoyed the hell out of me. I couldn’t stand this girl because she was so ignorant. One weekend she went to the rodeo with us, annoyed the hell out of me during the entire rodeo, whining about the poor little calves. After the rodeo we went to eat and on purpose I ordered an appetizer of calf fries. When they came out, she asked what they were, I told her they were chicken and after she had eaten 3 or 4 of them I told her they were calf balls.
    I told her after she cried and ran to the bathroom, that’s what you get for annoying the hell out of me about the damn calves.

  5. I met a lifetime, hardcore vegan woman once.
    Her skin was dead white and so translucent
    that you could see through it into her body
    for several fractions of an inch.
    Very off-putting to see someone who looks
    like they live in Halloween.
    I bet her doc never needed to give her an Xray.
    All he needed was for her to stand in front
    of a bright light.

  6. When I was 17, my Mom, who was a supreme cook, made Rocky Mountain Oysters for dinner. I, having the IQ of sawdust, didn’t know what that meant. After the meal, she told me what it was. I ran to the bathroom and puked. I really never truly forgave my mother for that but she never made that dish again.
    I didn’t call the cops on her.
    My Dad just laughed.

  7. They actually make vegan chicken nuggets.


    Like the freakin’ Tofurkey.

    Just eat whatever the hell you want. Trust me, you’re just gonna die anyway. I have to laugh at my patients families that try to keep Mom or Dad on a heart smart diet.

    Let Mom or Dad have whatever makes them happy. Bag of circus peanuts in a single sitting to feel like a kid again? Go for it! 2 fingers of scotch like the food ole days? Get some! Bacon and eggs? Anyone denying you those should be pistol whipped.

  8. Why you’d think her mouth would have slammed shut on the first morsel that touched her tongue. Next time she should lab test each item, no telling what might be hiding within, no matter what the printed label says. Fool, this is going to wreck her 100% vegan rating big-time. What about that milk she had as a baby, yea…

  9. As mentioned in the article “you don’t f*ck with someones food. Ever”. I agree. Her “friends” need to be taught a lesson and will likely get community service. This person doesn’t sound like a preachy vegan we’ve all known and put up with and didn’t deserve this ridicule. Hell, next time the old gang gets together why not spike an alcoholics drink.

  10. Chances are, her friends tricked her because they were sick of her shit. lol.

    Is she allergic to chicken? Then that’s the only reason she should sue. If not, suck it up and get new friends.
    And don’t get shit faced drunk unless you’re home alone. And if she does that often, she could have eaten strange meat before this happened anyway.

    Are her friends assholes? Yeah. But sue them? Pfft.
    Get new friends. Although chances are, she made THIS big of a deal, she won’t be making any new ones.


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