Connecticut Confiscates Guns For Reporting Theft Of Pistol – IOTW Report

Connecticut Confiscates Guns For Reporting Theft Of Pistol

Add this to the annuals of no good deed going unpunished.

Christopher Jerome, 26 of Stamford, CT placed a handgun in the glove box of his vehicle. Intending to return shortly Jerome did not lock the car or glove box. Next morning the weapon was gone.

Jerome acted responsibly and reported the theft to police. Who then charged him under a new law of “unsafe storage of a gun,” a misdemeanor. However, the new provision allowed police to then take Jerome’s other lawfully owned fire arms from his home. Here

17 Comments on Connecticut Confiscates Guns For Reporting Theft Of Pistol

  1. Forgetting his weapon in an unlocked vehicle is just plain sloppy and irresponsible. Raiding his home of all weapons, assuming they were legally owned, is lefty anti-constitutional bullKrap. I hope he fights it and wins.

  2. Bad decision on his part no doubt.

    BUT, let’s not defend the easily tempted dregs of life.

    Should we have to go through life never releasing personal property from our grasp?

    Is the thief not guilty because we left the vehicle on the street instead of in the garage?

    Are we to board up all out windows so thieves can not enter them?

    Are we to blame when crooks are so easily tempted? Such as Muslims that are allowed to rape any woman that is not covered from head to toe??

  3. I carry EVERYDAY. Be a cold day in hell before I’d unholster my gun anywhere. Guys like this asshole endanger my right to carry. I have no sympathy. He shouldn’t own a gun, he probably shouldn’t have children.
    The massive amount of Gun Control Socialist assholes will run his gun up the flag pole when it’s traced back to him after a mass shooting. Of course some idiots are worried about his car. They don’t own guns.

  4. Connecticut.
    No need to say more.
    Blumenthal? Didn’t he lie about being a combat veteran or something? And still got re-elected?
    deLauro? It ain’t even human, much less an American!
    Lamont? Not Fred’s son, but Ned.

    Humans should leave. There, the US Constitution is under attack.

    izlamo delenda est …


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