PENZEY SPICES – Bitter Herbs – IOTW Report

PENZEY SPICES – Bitter Herbs


Bill Penzey isn’t afraid to mix it up. Turns out his company, Penzeys Spices, is the nation’s second-biggest spender on impeachment ads…

And Penzey’s position isn’t hard to grasp: “You may not have been paying much attention this week, but the short version is the end is very near for this terrible turn the Republican Party has taken,” he wrote in the 1,592-word impeachment ad that ran last week.

Looks like a jerk

“Our nation’s enemies didn’t co-opt the Republican Party for no reason,” he adds later. “America and its voice FOR ever-growing freedom and AGAINST the rule of dictators matters.” It’s nothing new for Penzey, who after the 2016 election accused pro-Trump Republicans of having “committed the biggest act of racism in American history since [Gov. George] Wallace stood in the schoolhouse doorway 53 years ago,” Fox Business recalls.

24 Comments on PENZEY SPICES – Bitter Herbs

  1. Nothing new for Bill Penzey – he was very active in the Wisconsin recall elections. I used to buy a lot from them, now I order from The Spice House in Chicago. Better quality, no politics.

  2. this guy is a dumbass. He just alienated 50% of his customer base. Expect his sales volume to plummet. On top of that, his original justification for going political in 2016 was allegedly Trump is anti-gay. Once again, he is a dumbass. Trump’s businesses couldnt care less if you play for the other team when they are looking to hire someone. They go solely by MERIT. His businesses are probably more homo-friendly than 99% of the multinational globalist companies infesting our nation.

    PANSIES is a dumbass!

  3. I totally quit Pensey’s back when he first started his political bull$h1. I am a spice freak. I would even keep my offspring’s families stocked with their spices. Eventually I noticed that Pensey’s started carrying many uncommon mid eastern spices and offered recipes of that area. I think he is/was playing up to the muzzie community.

  4. Dumbass referred to the election of Trump as the most racist thing since George Wallace blocked school house doors. Hey Einstein. Wallace was a Democrat. All the reviled racists were.
    Also, Spice Boy, black unemployment is at a record low.
    Is that racist too?

    Totally concur with punchable face meme. Looks like it’s made of marshmallows and wouldn’t even hurt your hand.

  5. Like Nancy and, presumably, like many of her “Thumbs Up” readers we switched to The Spice House in Chicago when Pensey started mixing politics with business. We enjoy fresh spices, with the holidays quickly approaching, it’s time to stock up for cookies and pies.

  6. I was a regular customer, excited about the new one they opened right down the street — then he wrote some cr*p like this just after the election and I have not set foot in any of their locations since. screw ’em!!


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