PragerU Truck to Blast Banned Videos on Screens In Front of YouTube – IOTW Report

PragerU Truck to Blast Banned Videos on Screens In Front of YouTube

PJM: YouTube has continued to censor PragerU videos by restricting access to them. Children and others who use “restricted mode” are unable to view the conservative educational videos, and on Friday a California court will hear arguments in a state-level case against Google. On Thursday, PragerU will drive a box truck with LED screens, playing the restricted videos throughout Silicon Valley — and directly in front of YouTube and other Big Tech offices.

“We rented a box truck with LED video screens on the side and we’re going to be playing all the PragerU videos that YouTube has restricted,” Craig Strazzeri, chief marketing officer for PragerU, told PJ Media on Tuesday. The group intends to “drive by all the Big Tech headquarters — Google, Twitter, Facebook.”

“It’s obvious that our videos are educational and appropriate for young people,” Strazzeri explained. “All young people should be watching our videos. We do hope that lots of people will be given the chance to see our videos” as the truck drives through Silicon Valley.

“As much as we need to win legally in the courtroom we also need to win publicly,” the PragerU officer said. “The goal of this is to win in the court of public opinion.” read more

6 Comments on PragerU Truck to Blast Banned Videos on Screens In Front of YouTube

  1. They’re banned because they’re TRUE. The left does not like truth. I just spent a day with my liberal brother in Seattle where everything is at least subtly oppressive. He had to push it. “Let’s watch John Oliver,” he said, “He’s really funny.” Well he wasn’t funny and when he asked me what I thought I told him it was a political propaganda show done in a studio with a fake laugh track. He mocked me and after stewing about it confronted me the next morning with a bunch of liberal bullshit. I told him that socialists are free to practice socialism on a voluntary level. Of course they won’t do that because we are their source of income. In otherwords we are their SLAVES. Probably won’t be going to Seattle again.

  2. First it was the “Tiff In Schiff’s SCIF”, now this. Looks like the insurrection is coming from the right, lately. Dems who dismiss it as “stunts” do so at their own risk.

  3. Sadly, it’s not about right or wrong, Constitutionality or not. It’s all about whether or not the judge is a Democratic leftist. A leftist will side against the Constitution when it meets their agenda.

  4. I listen to Dennis Prager far more than I do Rush anymore. Dennis Prager makes me think while Rush is mostly preaching to the choir. I hope they run those videos on a endless loop circling back and forth and so on in front of Google’s headquarters as well as You Tube for a week or more or however long it takes.


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