Saddest Poll: Majority of Americans Want To Restrict Free Speech – IOTW Report

Saddest Poll: Majority of Americans Want To Restrict Free Speech

A majority of Americans believe there should be limitations on speech. A majority of Millennials believe “hate speech” should lead to jail time, and, as we know, no one can commit hate speech except certain people. The rules do not apply to all, which is, ironically, unconstitutional.

Rip up the entire document!!!!!

This is the glorious result of having turned our educational system over to the radicalized left. Mind you, leftists do not care a whit about “hate speech,” often being caught engaging in disparaging speech themselves. They care about the power that comes with determining what hate speech is.

If the left are given the reins, it will be considered hate speech to promote conservatism. You will be given jail time for advancing ideas not approved by the state.

We are in the dark ages.


More than 60 percent of Americans agree on restricting speech in some way, while a slim majority, 51 percent, want to see the First Amendment rewritten to “reflect the cultural norms of today.” The Campaign for Free Speech, which conducted the survey, said the results “indicate free speech is under more threat than previously believed.”

“The findings are frankly extraordinary,” executive director Bob Lystad told the Washington Free Beacon. “Our free speech rights and our free press rights have evolved well over 200 years, and people now seem to be rethinking them.”

Of the 1,004 respondents, young people were the most likely to support curbing free expression and punishing those who engage in “hate speech.” Nearly 60 percent of Millennials—respondents between the ages of 21 and 38—agreed that the Constitution “goes too far in allowing hate speech in modern America” and should be rewritten, compared to 48 percent of Gen Xers and 47 percent of Baby Boomers. A majority of Millennials also supported laws that would make “hate speech” a crime—of those supporters, 54 percent said violators should face jail time.

American hostility to the First Amendment did not stop at speech. Many would also like to see a crackdown on the free press. Nearly 60 percent of respondents agreed that the “government should be able to take action against newspapers and TV stations that publish content that is biased, inflammatory, or false.” Of those respondents, 46 percent supported possible jail time


41 Comments on Saddest Poll: Majority of Americans Want To Restrict Free Speech

  1. “… 1,004 respondents …”

    I don’t believe I’d bet my life on this. And YES, I have some idea how polls and statistics work – but still – are people willing to die for this?

    Americans died for us to recognize that “right” and there are other Americans who are willing to kill so that that “right” doesn’t become “unrecognized.”

    That we’ve allowed this particular freedom to be eroded is what’s giving impetus to the “silencing of critics” movement. The morons don’t seem to understand that the Universe is a dynamic place – those on top today may be under tomorrow – and those at the fringes may become mainstream. So, it’s a good idea to constrain government so that it can’t be used (as it’s presently being abused) to confound elections and permit the intolerable by maggots like Schitt and Pelosi.
    Hard to see the long view, I guess.

    Oh, well.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. What a bunch of hypocrites. When this site stops deleting posts because it will offend the libs, then you can whine about the loss of free speech.

    – you’re kinda slow, aren’t you. lol

  3. Sadly this does not surprise me. If you point out violence committed by blacks, illegals, you’re racist. If you say the majority of women are stupid today and don’t deserve to be in power because they abuse power and go off on emotion, you hate women. If you’re Christian and say adultery, lying, stealing, murder including abortion which is murder, harming children, denying God, homosexuality, etc. is a sin, you’re told you hate gays and transgenders.
    I’ve been called of these things, some of them have been Republicans, old and young. I’ve also been told they can’t wait for the day that they can have me arrested for hate crimes for saying you are either male or female and I will never agree with it or gay marriage or gay lifestyle.

    All of these people rather old, young, Republican, Democrat or Libertarian, so called Christian or Atheist, live and vote in my state, a very red state.

  4. “Subject to change, without notice.” I must have missed that sentence in the Constitution, genius. Evidently, you suffered under the same joke of an education system that brought us “math is white supremacy in action”, transgenders speaking to children who know nothing about the subject matter, and scores of young people who think socialism is awesome, but fail to look at NK, China, Venezuela, Cuba, and the like. Open a book; preferably one without pictures, ok?

  5. So who is Bob Lystad and who does he work for? Who conducted this poll?

    Actually it doesn’t surprise me in that it seems most of our citizenry are pretty stupid. They won’t realize what they have until they destroy it.

    They never stop to think that without the 1st Amendment they wouldn’t even have the right to complain about it.

  6. The really sad part is the rest of the story.

    They not only want a limit on speech, they want to enforce it whether it’s a law or not.

    And that’s why a civil war is inevitable.

    Of course those faggots in the media will say we are the ones who started it by talking. They won’t blame the little leftist footsoldiers who are physically attacking people for engaging in the act of talking.

  7. Tim “… 1,004 respondents …”

    Roughly 23,000 Americans died in the American resolution to establish our rights of free speech. And a back yard poll says they were wrong. But Leftists love it.

  8. I keep this C.S. Lewis quote handy for when I
    run accross this crap. I am using it much more
    often than I used to.
    “Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

  9. I keep this C.S. Lewis quote handy for when I run across this crap. I am using it much more often than I used to.
    “Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

  10. Hate speech is subjective and those minds of mush that have gone through the eduction system as it is along with being bombarded by the entertainment/culture of the left can’t see that. And they have no concept of history or what socialism/communism really is. Or even what true fascism is. Scary, we are on a path that only ends with deadly conflict.

  11. @ Old Racist White Woman October 24, 2019 at 2:04 pm
    “I will never agree with it or gay marriage or gay lifestyle.”

    Unfortunately, you have already agreed to a little bit of it by using the watered down phrase “gay” (which used to mean “happy”) instead of homosexual (which describes the perversion that it is).

    You’re not alone, though – there are still people who believe in freedom and a moral foundation (which is why I love this site!).

  12. Well, in order do this right there has to enforcement. There has to be an arbitor. Someone who declares something hate speach.
    The only way I will go along with this is if I AM THE ARBITOR. ME,AND ONLY ME.
    See that solves the problem so easily.

  13. I wrote something, once, that may have been considered mildly offensive to some thin-skinned libs – but it didn’t get deleted.

    Is this a new program?

    If something’s deleted, how do we know it’s there?
    I’m so confused!
    Does this all tie into that that old chestnut: the heuristic/mitochondrial dichotomy of the illogical dialectic? Cuz if it’s getting into that, count me out.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. “… a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims …”

    Not questioning Mr. Lewis, but how do we measure “sincerely?”
    Results are the only measure.
    So if the tyranny is exercised “for the good of its victims” how do we know that?
    Cuz they SAY so?
    Stalin murdered 3 to 30 Million (somewhere between) Ukraines (uh oh! Ukraine again!) to force them into collectives. Did he “sincerely” believe that collectivization was for their “good?” Hitler murdered 6 Million Jews (along with some 7 Million others) for the “good” of Europe, according to his calculus. Did he “sincerely” believe it was for the greater “good?”

    Mr. Lewis gives them too much credit – he was a man of great moral generosity.

    His point, of course, is that those who PRETEND to the higher moral plane are far more deadly than the regular run-of-the-mill tyrants.

    Just a small digression – not meant to disturb anyone.

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. The current population of the United States of America is almost 330 million.

    Of this huge mass of people, 1004 were polled (selection criteria for this sample unknown) and somewhat more than 600 of those polled thought that speech should be restricted.

    Conclusion: More than 60 percent of 330 million Americans agree on restricting speech in some way.


    And they wonder why I don’t believe in polls.

  16. @Vietvet October 24, 2019 at 5:09 pm

    > And they wonder why I don’t believe in polls.

    The alternative is “329.9 million, really are each unique, special, magical, snowflakes”.

    (Of course, you put “population of the United States” and “Americans” as the same number, in the same post, so I’m gonna’ guess we don’t agree on the sum of 2 plus 3, either.)

  17. Who, when, where? Proof of polling? Fake report? Propaganda disinformation? Only thinkers would question this information and conclude it is not reliable. But then, who thinks and who questions in Democratic cesspools like Baltimore, for instance? Low I.Q.s, never do.

  18. Hey Anonymous @3:21pm
    I guess I’ve tried to get in jail here(I hate to say) but it hasn’t happened. If Skippy up yonder had something deleted it most likely had it coming. It probably doesn’t know where it is posting. Here’s some free speech. FOAD.

  19. DrRiff

    True, I am using their term for their fantasy marriage, but most of the time I call them queers or homos. I still will never accept it and will continue calling it what it is, a sin that obviously God hates so much he destroyed an entire city of them and it’s also sickening and perverted.

  20. “If Skippy up yonder had something deleted it most likely had it coming. ”

    Antidote. I don’t know wth the psycho was talking about. Clearly, the comments are there. As stupid as they are. He even answered himself. LOL.
    Probably a BathSalts fan. Yeesh.

  21. If you don’t like something, you don’t have to read it, listen to it or watch it.
    Everything today has an OFF switch. Learn how to use it!
    It’s just that simple!

    The real problem is our Media is training everybody to be a “victim”!

  22. Remember those old commercials of (most of) our youth? “Nine out of ten doctors agree!” It was a sales job to convince us we needed to go with the opinion of the nine.

    1000 people polled about free speech and so-called “hate speech” is a questionable quantity to arrive at a conclusion. Besides, it’s only an opinion.


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