Tone Deaf Biden Tells Voters “If You Like Your Healthcare Plan You Can Keep It” – IOTW Report

Tone Deaf Biden Tells Voters “If You Like Your Healthcare Plan You Can Keep It”

No, you haven’t time warped to 2009. This was said today.

Joe Biden, on the campaign trail, repeated what is largely known as one of the biggest lies told by the Obama Administration.

This might be the dumbest man alive.

ht/ c. steven tucker

14 Comments on Tone Deaf Biden Tells Voters “If You Like Your Healthcare Plan You Can Keep It”

  1. “Joe, your numbers are coming back up!”

    “Yeah, I’m surging! That was the plan. And I’m keeping my plan, because, look. This is a big deal…”

    “What about Hillary, Joe? And Bloomberg?”

    “Huh? They don’t have plans.”

    “Hillary, does, Joe.”

    “Well, if she likes her plan, she can keep her plan.”

    “Do you like her plan, Joe?”


    “Joe’s walking away now. He looks confused.”


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