Texas Judge Rules James Younger’s Father Should Have a Say in His Son’s “Transition” – IOTW Report

Texas Judge Rules James Younger’s Father Should Have a Say in His Son’s “Transition”

(LifeSiteNews) – The judge presiding over the case of Jeffrey Younger, the father who is trying to protect his seven-year-old son, James, from chemical castration via a gender “transition,” ruled today that the parents will have joint conservatorship over James, which includes making joint medical decisions for the child.

Judge Kim Cooks of the 255th district also put a gag order on both parents so that they cannot speak to the press about the case and decided that the father is not required to pay attorney fees. The judge’s decision means that the Save James website will have to be shut down. 


21 Comments on Texas Judge Rules James Younger’s Father Should Have a Say in His Son’s “Transition”

  1. What a great day for this kid and his father.

    The mother is a malignant narcissist: a REALLY fucked up version of a human being, who will do anything to aggrandize herself, and hurt anyone who is conveniently close, including her children.

    There is a damn epidemic of these crazy women, and a good many of them are running for public office (they can’t make it anywhere else).


  2. Hopefully before we have another money making unreality show about a brainwashed child CPS steps in with common sense. The TLC network does not get their hands on this child or else a new ‘series’, ‘I am Fabulous’ will result in another mentally ill at least to say ‘human being’.

  3. It isn’t going to get any better people, Trump is a better man than most but he’s just delaying the inevitable,listen to this Godly man who died in the 6o’s, A. W. Tozer

    When Fish Catch the Fisherman
    History shows clearly enough that true spirituality has never at any time been the possession of the masses. In any given period since the fall of the human race, only a few persons ever discerned the right way or walked in God’s law. God’s truth has never been popular. Wherever Christianity becomes popular, it is not on its way to die—it has already died. Popular Judaism slew the prophets and crucified Christ. Popular Christianity killed the Reformers, jailed the Quakers and drove John Wesley into the streets. When it comes to religion, the crowds are always wrong. At any time there are a few who see, and the rest are blinded. To stand by the truth of God against the current religious vogue is always unpopular and may be downright dangerous. The historic church, while she was a hated minority group, had a moral power that made her terrible to evil and invincible before her foes. When the Roman masses, without change of heart, were made Christian by baptism, Christianity gained popularity and lost her spiritual glow. From there she went on to adopt the ways of Rome and to follow her pagan religions. The fish caught the fisherman, and what started out to be the conversion of Rome became finally the conversion of the church. From that ignominious captivity the church has never been fully delivered.

  4. God moved for this child, and I praise Him and thank Him for it. We all need to pray that God continues to intervene on his behalf, him and ALL children being tortured LIKE him, as only He can defeat the rising tide of Satan’s minions trying to steal souls from Him because they know Satan’s time is short.

    I posted earlier on this subject, and won’t repost, but this does show how quickly prayers can be answered and how it is sometimes best to wait upon the Lord once we have done all we can as His creations, and not try to take His justice into our hands. There is a time to fight, and a time to wait, and only prayer to Him can reveal which it is. That post is here if you’re interested, about a separate investigation by the Governor.

    It is a terrible thing that children are being abused and even mutilated in the name of some false god of liberalism and some inchoate hatred of an ex for her former husband, but it could have been made much worse if the father had done what ALL our impulse would be and took some direct physical action against the crazy woman. He would be in jail or dead, she dead, their children bereft of BOTH parents at once, and the State finding a “trans advocate” to raise them in his stead, with no credible champion left to protect them in future.

    God is not mocked, and will get His vengeance by and by. We must protect our own, but only with Him in charge and in front.

    God bless that man, that family and keep that Judge under His control.

    To Him be the glory.


  5. “Hopefully before we have another money making unreality show about a brainwashed child CPS steps in with common sense“ I’m afraid that is like saying you hope the democrats will make sure that if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.

  6. Purvayer of truth October 24, 2019 at 11:20 pm
    “It isn’t going to get any better people, Trump is a better man than most but he’s just delaying the inevitable…”

    …Indeed. So says the Lord…

    “12 The burden of the word of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.
    2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.
    3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
    4 In that day, saith the Lord, I will smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with madness: and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the people with blindness”

    Zechariah 12:1-4

    …doesn’t say, “Except for America”…

  7. No Offense meant,
    Zechariah 12:1-4
    In the US, Zechariah was never a citizen or even had a SS number to preach.
    I believe in the Bible and Karma, yet shame the internet didn’t exists back then.

  8. No Blushes October 24, 2019 at 11:54 pm
    “I believe in the Bible and Karma, yet shame the internet didn’t exists back then.”

    …This guy agrees…

    Every time I look at you I don’t understand
    Why you let the things you did get so out of hand.
    You’d have managed better if you’d had it planned.
    Why’d you choose such a backward time in such a strange land?
    If you’d come today you could have reached a whole nation.
    Israel in 4 BC had no mass communication.
    Don’t you get me wrong.
    I only want to know.
    Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ,
    Who are you? What have you sacrificed?
    Jesus Christ Superstar,
    Do you think you’re what they say you are?”
    “Jesus Christ Superstar”, Andrew Lloyd Weber


  9. This is one of the most basic examples of Satan breaking through a barrier that would allow him to propel forward and disintegrate the ties that bond Christianity.

    For an adult to decide for him/herself to obliterate the fundamental aspects of life handed down by GOD is no small consequence.

    To force the same on an innocent child is beyond reprehension. No human being should hold such authority.

  10. Although for the time being it appears the little boy will be saved, but a 50/50 ruling still is not keeping him from his crazy Mother. They both are supposed to agree, but what do you do about a woman who insists he’s a girl? She’s not likely to agree with him living his life as a boy and the father is not likely to force his son to live as something he’s not.

    Our states must make it illegal now to give hormones or puberty blockers to children. These clinics and hospitals need to be shut down immediately.

  11. My sister pointed this out to me, and I can’t believe that I didn’t notice this.

    The mother is abusing her son, gaslighting him from a young age, punishing him for acting like a boy.

    And she is doing this to get back at her ex husband.
    This is typical in a divorce, especially when one of the partners is a psychopath and has a revenge complex.

    This little boy is one of two, and she has chosen him as the subject of her abuse.

    Commonly in sexual and physical abuse cases the parent will have a ‘favorite’ to hurt because it’s easier to do it to one than both.

    This woman should not be allowed anywhere near this boy, and it has nothing to do with transgender shit.
    It has everything to do with the purposeful abuse of her target.

  12. This is not a good thing. This means that in a situation where the two sides are intractable, the judge decides, and will side with the mother, and now under penalty of law he cant expose it.
    Nothing changes

  13. are these the same courts that decided that physical disciplining of your child was child abuse?

    but making your child undergo a sex change is not?

    I have truly lived too long!

  14. This is in all likely a CYA on the judges part.
    Texas Gov. Abbot said he was looking into it.
    Imagine a review of the transcript will reveal the Judge didn’t allow the fathers attorney to put forth any background, such as this isn’t really the child’s biological mother, just a surrogate.
    The father is the only one with DNA in the game, the “mother”, is barren.
    Dr. Georgulas/Frankenstein, wants to create her monster, as Shelly wrote, it will be a tragedy.

  15. @chuffed-beyond-words OCTOBER 25, 2019 AT 2:11 AM
    My son went through what you describe after his cheating wife divorced him. They have joint custody of their twin boys and she imposes insane rules on them when she has them like no phone calls to their Dad, etc. They just turned 16 and she wanted to sell them her car with the stipulation that until it was completely paid for, they couldn’t use it to drive it to their dad’s house. I stepped in and sold them my old car at a ridiculously low price, no pay schedule, with no restrictions. The point being she was doing everything she could to drive a wedge between their father and his sons.
    Hasn’t worked.

  16. @F4UCorsair

    I’m glad that you’re able to be there for them.
    God knows I can relate to some of that (not to that extreme) when my parents separated.
    My mom forbade me from speaking to my dad on the phone without her being in the room. Madness.

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