Dearborn School System Goes Halal – IOTW Report

Dearborn School System Goes Halal

Pamela Geller for American Thinker

The Dearborn Public Schools website states it matter-of-factly: “Dearborn Public Schools ensures all meats served in our schools are certified Halal.”

Now one courageous mother is fighting back, challenging Dearborn public school officials to explain why they have done this and to provide options for students who object to halal food. The mother wrote to Dearborn schools superintendent Glenn Maleyko, noting, “Schools have never changed lunches to fit any other religious needs. If one needed a special diet due to religion or health, they did what all other students do, bring a lunch from home.”

Maleyko responded: “The decision was based on operational considerations only, not religion. By implementing an all Halal meat option we have increased the number of students that we are serving[.] … It would cost a lot more to provide both Halal and non-Halal meat.”

In the long run, the superintendent will find it far, far costlier to have capitulated to Islamic supremacism and set this precedent. More

15 Comments on Dearborn School System Goes Halal

  1. “Halal”? Those are the people that get off the couch? Collect the loyal Party members in the town square? And off them? Creatively?

    I’m not seeing the problem.

  2. The leftist allow these Muslims to establish their own mini countries inside of ours. They’re given the green light to bully and make demands without regard to how the american citizens feel. They will never assimilate because they don’t have to.

    The left takes full advantage of the public’s tolerance.

  3. “The leftist allow these Muslims to establish their own mini countries . . .” It is the power of Jewish politicians that have allowed and planned this to happen. Immigration laws made by Congress outlawed Christian European immigrants and ordered that non-whites from Islamic countries be brought into the US just for this purpose of subverting the strength of the country. Muslims would not overwhelmingly be in the US if not for that scheming destructive agenda.

    THE DEATH OF AMERICA was enacted in 1965 with the signing of the Open Immigration Law Of 1965.

    While serving Jewish interests, the Open Immigration Law Of 1965 was the beginning of America’s death as a unified nation. Jews were behind the law, promoting, lobbying, and “bribing” the law into existence with the fanaticism equalling the most dedicated Muslim terrorist.

    Jews have continually evinced hostility toward American Christian culture in their aggressive efforts to change it. The Open Immigration Law Of 1965 is a prime example of that hostility.”

  4. During the barbaric halal butchering of an animal, an imam says a prayer, killing the animal in the name of their satanic god, allah. Christians are not supposed to eat food offered up to a false god. The rights of Christians are being violated.

  5. Face them east, cut their throats while reciting verse’s from the Koran. No religion involved in that process? Where the hell is PETA? The Muslim butchering process is absolutely barbaric compared to any modern slaughterhouse. I remember going with grandpa as a kid to get an old milker butchered. After that trip I either waited in the car or goofed off in the parking lot. Not a pretty sight. There’s a lot of insides in a cow.

  6. Different Tim – You ain’t lying.

    Back in Europe, my uncle owned a butcher shop. My aunt told him never to do bidness with a muslim. Why? Because they
    cheat, steal, etc. One time, my uncle went against my aunt’s demands and tried to do a deal with a muslim on one of their holidays and they needed a goat. My uncle brought the goat from the pen and went to get the receipt book and take their payment, when suddenly he heard the goat scream out. He ran out and saw that the muzzies slashed the goat’s neck and there was a pool of blood already started. Before my uncle could say anything, they took off. My uncle got ripped off and the goat had to be put down it was in so much agony. My aunt, who once punched a cow (to be fair, the cow started it) was set to go off to beat their asses down.
    lol. So anyway, everyone in the town got the description of the assholes. I sure hope they tried it again. It would have been the last thing they ever did.


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