Tom Arnold Implodes on Twitter, Sending Sexist and Racist Tweets To Diamond and Silk – IOTW Report

Tom Arnold Implodes on Twitter, Sending Sexist and Racist Tweets To Diamond and Silk

Tom Arnold let loose the inner bigot that is always bubbling just beneath the surface of a typical leftist.

more at Wayne Dupree

29 Comments on Tom Arnold Implodes on Twitter, Sending Sexist and Racist Tweets To Diamond and Silk

  1. Ohio Dan OCTOBER 28, 2019 AT 1:47 PM
    “What a douche.”

    …Don’t call him that. A douche can get INTO a vagina. Tom Arnold definitely LACKS that ability, and proves it right HERE, so the comparison is unfair to the douche…

  2. Crom OCTOBER 28, 2019 AT 1:42 PM
    “I can’t wait to use that line on my wife when she gets home from work…”

    …and I congratulate her future divorce attorney on the profit he’s about to make from you doing so…

    …or, depending on your wife and the way you deliver the “Two Tons” line, your future mortician…

  3. An obnoxiom provided by a fopdoodle and deviousest

    Translation:  Objectionable content not based on anything of substantive merit except for a subjective opinion driven by extreme political bias from someone of little significance, but more devious than anyone else.

  4. Tom Arnold? I regret to report that as an experiment I fed all my rats the new “Impossible Burger” from Burger King and they all died. Therefore, I am completely out of rat’s asses and have none to give.

  5. If you’re on Twitter and want to get under this clowns skin, point out what an unfit parent he is. Be sure and ask what gender his little male like child is. He digs it.

  6. Why would he say this to D&S? That’s just bizarre. He’s bizarre. What a disgusting human being. Pray for him, it will drive him crazy. (I always imagine God giving people like him a conscience. . .late at night. . .and they can’t go back to sleep. . . red-faced with embarrassment in the middle of the night. . . all by themselves and their regretful thoughts.)

  7. Repulsive and just strange.
    Even if he doesn’t mean the sexual agression to be anything more than a ‘joke’ it’s still harassment- and if he doesn’t mean it- then it’s actual racism.

    A far leftist exhibiting the behavior of a sexual predator and a racist? Not shocking.


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