Disabled Seniors Say They Were ‘Abandoned’ For Two Days During California Wildfires – IOTW Report

Disabled Seniors Say They Were ‘Abandoned’ For Two Days During California Wildfires

Daily Caller: Disabled seniors at a low-income apartment complex said they were left alone for two days in the dark as wildfires burned in Northern California.

More than 20 seniors in wheelchairs or using walkers were stuck in the dark during the power shutoff, which was aimed at preventing wildfires, The Associated Press reported. The elderly people tripped, were injured and got turned around in their apartments because no one was there to provide guidance, they said. Some didn’t leave their apartments for days because they were scared.

“We were surprised by how dark it was,” said Pamela Zuzak, 70, the AP reported. “There was nothing, nothing lit. It was like going into a darkroom closet, pitch black, you couldn’t see in front of you.”

Zuzak is one of the residents at the Villas at Hamilton in Novato, California, just one of the locations that were shut down because of wildfire scares. Pacific Gas & Electric shut off power to more than 2 million people during the weekend, the AP reported. read more

9 Comments on Disabled Seniors Say They Were ‘Abandoned’ For Two Days During California Wildfires

  1. Nowhere in the story do we learn just who it was that abandoned the residents. “Some expected to be communicated with” is all we know, and that is worded to suggest to me that the residents didn’t know or evidently care who was supposed to look after them. If they had leases or contracts that included oversight services I imagine that would have been included in the story. That it wasn’t suggests that these are typical California liberals who are now seeking victim status.

    If I’m wrong, then they have my sympathy and I share their anger. But I don’t think I’m wrong.

  2. I’ve used this quote before on another subject ,

    (and did it by memory…badly ) But it describes California, and Her

    Leadership quite well.

    “…as the wind howled on, and the sea leaped, and the ship groaned and dived, and yet steadfastedly shot her red hell further and further into the blackness of the sea and the night, and scornfully champed the white bone in her mouth, and viciously spat round her on all sides; then the rushing Pequod, freighted with savages, and laden with fire, and burning a corpse, and plunging into that blackness of darkness seemed the material counterpart of her monomaniac commander’s soul.”

    ― Herman Melville, Moby-Dick, or, the Whale

  3. Uncle Al, elsewhere is more information on this.
    The residents are disabled and really need to be in assisted living facilities. They are obviously not able to care for themselves independently. This facility is only one of low income housing managed by a local organization, which means government money is being paid to this business. So this article suggests that this management business is inferior in providing services to residents the government is supporting. Typical corruption, especially in California? The elderly disabled are easily victimized by crooks.

    Disabled seniors in Calif. complex left behind during power outage
    By JANIE HAR | October 31, 2019 at 12:18 AM CDT – Updated October 31 at 8:49 PM

    “At least 20 seniors with wheelchairs and walkers were essentially trapped, in the dark, in a low-income apartment complex in Northern California during a two-day power shut-off aimed at warding off wildfires.”

    “He said about a third of the Villas’ 140 residents are too old, sick or cognitively impaired to care for themselves during an extended outage. He alleges the property management company VPM “abandoned” its tenants.

    Geoghegan came home Saturday night to find residents milling in the parking lots, some near panic. “Some expected they would be communicated with, but they weren’t hearing from anybody,” he said.

    VPM Management of Irvine, landlord Affordable Housing Access of Newport Beach, and the on-site manager did not respond to requests for comment from The Associated Press.”

  4. If it’s just a ‘low income apartment’ (Which is usually section 8ish) then no one is responsible for them.
    However, if it’s assisted living, who ever runs the place is in a lot of trouble. Unless, you know, it’s a VA linked facility. Then nobody gives a shit, right?

  5. Why didn’t anyone just escort them to a high speed rail station and have then whisked out of there in a a jiffy? Why, as much money as California has dumped into that project (as well as having duped the federal government for contributions), one would think that the California high speed rail commission would welcome the positive publicity…uh, it doesn’t really exist?

    Never mind. Let’s just ban large wildfires as excessive carbon emitters instead.

  6. That’s horrible.
    Almost as bad are reports of looters dressed as firefighters and security raking over abandoned and damaged houses for trinkets.
    Read earlier this evening;
    “On his inauguration day, California Gov. Navin Gruesome, in an interview with one of the Sacramento TV stations, twice in 30 seconds referred to the “nation-state of California” – and nobody blinked an eye.”
    Helluva show you’re running there, Sparky. Literally.


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