CIA-Trained Afghan Forces Responsible For Atrocities, May Have Committed War Crimes, Says Watchdog – IOTW Report

CIA-Trained Afghan Forces Responsible For Atrocities, May Have Committed War Crimes, Says Watchdog

Daily Caller: U.S.-backed Afghan special forces allegedly committed atrocities and are responsible for civilian deaths, according to a Thursday report from Human Rights Watch.

The report called for an investigation into whether the U.S. has been involved in committing war crimes in Afghanistan, according to The Associated Press. It accused Afghan forces allegedly committing atrocities of being “part of the covert operations” of the CIA and suggested disbanding the forces or having the Defense Ministry control them, the AP added.

“These troops include Afghan strike forces who have been responsible for extrajudicial executions and enforced disappearances, indiscriminate airstrikes, attacks on medical facilities, and other violations of international humanitarian law, or the laws of war,” the report stated.

Human Rights Watch detailed specific raids in the report, including ones in Zurmat. Afghan and U.S. strike forces allegedly shot four men dead as family members looked on, according to the report, and other people home for a holiday were killed in another house. read more

8 Comments on CIA-Trained Afghan Forces Responsible For Atrocities, May Have Committed War Crimes, Says Watchdog

  1. In that part of the world, the enemy of your enemy is likely your enemy, too.

    If you arm one enemy to fight another enemy, the best you can hope for is for the one you armed to lose — but after inflicting significant damage to the other one. If they win, they’ll then turn those weapons on you.

  2. My first thought was “HRW put this out? Who cares?”
    Then I wondered how far into the story at the Daily Caller it would be before they said that the U.S. needed to be investigated. I was not disappointed when I saw it in paragraph 2 (paragraph 1 just intimated that it was our fault).

    There is a Dilbert cartoon somewhere with Dogbert being shocked when 1 story put out as news actually had any context. Reading this story, that ‘toon came to mind.

  3. Just amazing that our warriors kill enemies with whom we are at war. And the enemies would never, ever make up stories about their complete and total innocence after the fact.

  4. Maybe what we should do is arm everyone of these muzzie maniacs, get out of their way, and see if anyone is left after a year or two. I can’t see anything other than a hopeless situation filled with sand, rocks and blood over there. One thing about the rocks over there, there are some mining companies that would love to see what’s there.


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