Clown car gets one clown lighter – Beto succumbs to reality – IOTW Report

Clown car gets one clown lighter – Beto succumbs to reality


Beto O’Rourke, at risk of not qualifying for the November debate, abandoned his flagging presidential campaign Friday after lagging for months in single digits in public opinion polls.

Accompanied by a handful of senior staffers, O’Rourke addressed supporters on a lawn across the street from the convention center where the candidates still running were assembling for an Iowa Democratic Party event.

“This is a campaign that has prided itself on seeing things clearly, on speaking honestly and on acting decisively,” O’Rourke said. “We have to clearly see at this point that we do not have the means to pursue this campaign successfully.”

He said his wife, Amy, was not in attendance because “this is a decision that we made so recently and so reluctantly that she can’t be here in person.”

The announcement came as candidates gathered here for events over the weekend. Supporters and staffers waiting for him at a pre-dinner rally saw the occasion turn into a wake. Staffers in Iowa were stunned by the news, with some having no advance warning.

“This is not what I thought would happen here tonight,“ said one supporter to another, as a light drizzle fell.


33 Comments on Clown car gets one clown lighter – Beto succumbs to reality

  1. …someone who ACTUALLY knows something about managing people, or even has a modicum of compassion for a loyal employee, would have at LEAST had the decency to tell them they were out of a job BEFORE telling the PRESS in FRONT of them.

    …and this guy thought he could manage a COUNTRY? Please…

  2. does this mean he’s not coming to my house? … jeez, I was looking so forward to have him over, & I took time to clean all the ‘silverware’!

    … damn … bummer

  3. If the counter hopping, arm waving, skateboard riding Asshole from El Paso’s father in law realized his doofus son in law was running short of money to harass people, he might have loaned him some more money to keep him away from Texas. He must be hoping that this idjit goes across the Rio Grande and gets kidnapped, so that he can refuse to pay the ransom.

  4. Too bad, I was hoping his leftist agenda could have been exposed even more to make the POTUS and American Conservatism look even better, than he does already…of course.

  5. Now we’re left with the old socialist from Vermont who smells of moldy cheese and the cranky commie squaw from Massachusetts that smells like low tide in Boston Harbor.

    I hear the crypt doors slowly creaking open. SkreeeeeThud.

    The hag of chappaqua is wiping the cobwebs off her best chairman mao pantsuit as she lurches toward the stage.


    And then a house fell on her.

  6. Warren immediately announced that she is going to make a play for his 25 supporters by declaring that she is 000.01% Mexican. Also, she now goes by the name of Puta Warren!

  7. “Beto O’Rourke, at risk of not qualifying for the November debate, abandoned his flagging presidential campaign Friday after lagging for months in single digits in public opinion polls”.

    AND, with the unabridged explanation of how much he has learned from his immature, self-absorbing, condescending and arrogant attitude is his most humble response;

  8. A Leftist Nightmare Before Christmas
    …The Beto was gestering and twisting, disturbed in his bed,
    While visions of patriots with AK-15s danced in his head…

  9. “And then a house fell on her.”

    …y’know, it always bothered me that they didn’t take obvios actions to deal with the extremely limited number of witches in Oz before Dorothy showed up. They are apparently NOT immortal, being provably suceptible to blunt force truama and water, so did anyone even TRY bullets?

    They HAD guns in Oz.

    The Munchkins gave Dorothy an impromptu military escort, complete with unifomed troops and rifles, maybe M4s, spoting bayonets. It COULD easily have ended like THIS…

    …and also. I know he wasn’t smart, but the scarecrow went to rescue Dorothy from the witch using a .38…

    …thing is, they COULD have explored alternatives.

    …there’s more than ONE way to skin a witch, as President Trump himself has demonstrated…,file=229461,filename=trump-slaying-hillary-dragon.jpg

    …can’t wait till we hear THIS about HER…

  10. Some of the ways the elites might cull the population is by promoting abortion, birth control, sterilization, homosexuality, drug use, opening concentration camps, funneling the 99% into the cities and then cutting off the food supply, killing family farms with trade wars and debt, ending Obamacare, and starting WWIII.


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