Report: Christopher Steele Also Meddled In The Russia-Brexit Investigation – IOTW Report

Report: Christopher Steele Also Meddled In The Russia-Brexit Investigation

Daily Caller:

British authorities included information from Christopher Steele, the author of the anti-Trump dossier, in a highly anticipated document about possible Russian meddling in the 2016 Brexit referendum, according to a report.

Steele, a former MI6 officer, provided research to the British parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC), which has investigated possible Kremlin interference in British politics for more than a year, according to The Guardian’s Luke Harding, who wrote a book about Steele’s investigation of President Donald Trump.

It is unclear what information Steele provided for the investigation, but the report will say British intelligence found no evidence that Russia influenced the outcome of the Brexit vote, which was held June 23, 2016, two sources directly familiar with the report toldBuzzFeed News.

The Russia report became a source of controversy this week after Dominic Grieve, the member of parliament who chairs ISC, accused Prime Minister Boris Johnson of improperly withholding the findings. Grieve’s protests have led to some speculation that the investigation uncovered evidence of Russian involvement in the Brexit vote. read more

6 Comments on Report: Christopher Steele Also Meddled In The Russia-Brexit Investigation

  1. You’d be surprised at whut we’ll find out once the indictments start poppin!
    When the democRAT Swamp Battleship (the DNC Pismarck) starts sinking, get out the popcorn and sit back to watch all the Rats jumping ship!!


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