Antifa Pulled Ugly Trick To Intimidate Andy Ngo On Halloween – IOTW Report

Antifa Pulled Ugly Trick To Intimidate Andy Ngo On Halloween

Town Hall

Antifa members didn’t need to do much costume shopping for Halloween this year. The violent leftist group wears masks and terrorizes people all year round. According to Andy Ngo, editor at large at The Post Millennial, six Antifa thugs showed up outside his home on Halloween night. The journalist tweeted images and video of the six men who Mr. Ngo claims wore print-out masks of the journalist’s face, pounded on a window, and recorded footage of the journalist’s home.  More

15 Comments on Antifa Pulled Ugly Trick To Intimidate Andy Ngo On Halloween

  1. These punk intimidators think this is some effing game until one of them ends up dead on some one’s porch, WHO will not think but one second and pull a trigger in fear of their or family’s life.

  2. I keep a shotgun loaded with baton loads for situations such as this, just in case they get emboldened and decide to go too far with it.

    Deterrence without killing or demonstrating an intent or willingness to kill, legal self defense as well as physical self defense.

  3. I’ll take them seriously the day they try to pull some shit on a group of disgruntled Navy Seals, as opposed to isolated old ladies or an undersized gay Vietnamese

    Cause that’s who the original Antifa took on — disgruntled German stormtroopers who broke the stalemate of the trenches. In other words, some of the baddest dudes to ever walk the Earth

    So get back to me when you’ve done that, duders — after you get out of the ICU, of course

  4. Three words for Andy:
    I don’t mean a Lab, Andy.
    They will sense your fear and act accordingly.
    Make sure he has his shots.
    Wouldn’t want it to get sick or destroyed, cause he ate some Antifa.

  5. He ought to have called the cops and told them that six masked men were trying to break into his house and he thinks he saw something black and metallic-like tucked into one of their waistbands. When about 30 cops showed up I bet that would have got their attention.

  6. Americans scream that the elites won’t send the 99% to the concentration camps because everyone has a mobile phone, but what if the Gestapo shuts down the Internet?

    What if the globalists say everyone must go to the concentration camps because of Ebola or the Russians are coming?

  7. So why didn’t Ngo do anything except post this incident on social media? @scr_north’s suggestion was do-able, but this intelligent journalist couldn’t think of it? I am not convinced he is actually against Antifa’s actions.


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