Bring Our Troops Home: New Video Shows How Robotic Drones Might Fight – IOTW Report

Bring Our Troops Home: New Video Shows How Robotic Drones Might Fight

7 Comments on Bring Our Troops Home: New Video Shows How Robotic Drones Might Fight

  1. I believe that Hamas used a drone against an Israeli naval ship. There are Western countries and companies that will sell weapons to questionable countries. Our own C.I.A will arm rebels and shady countries that will turn on us. John McMain was arming rebels who handed over weapons to Isis. So don’t think the savages won’t make use of drones.

  2. Everyone knows this isn’t real, right? It’s all CGI and motion capture. Still plenty to think about; like how long till they get to this point and how will they be used? All the major powers will have to deploy them or risk falling behind in tactics.

  3. …”robots” and “drones” are two different things. Most military drones are actually more like remote control planes in that they are being flown by a human operator, whatever the distance. A robot does at least some things autonomously, requiring an operator to simply start it on a preprogrammed activity that only requires human intervention if a condition not anticipated by its programmer arises.

    Because of this, TRUE robots would be MUCH easier to defeat than drones, because they CAN have their sensors fooled and CAN emcounter conditions not anticpated by their programmer, as anyone whose Tesla wrecked in Autopilot mode can attest.

    I work with actual robots every day. The DO NOT THINK. I have NO fear of a Terminator-style killer robot because, with current technology, a well-placed drop of water, or even the calcium left behind when that water drop dries, will hopelessly wig it out…

  4. …I also doubt Terminators could work very long because the frickin’ automation salesman won’t be able to come up with the now-obsolete servo or sensor, and will keep trying to upsell Skynet into some shit that doesn’t even fit the space in the T-800s head without rearranging the ENTIRE panel…


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