Biden Faces Wrong Way While Addressing Crowd – IOTW Report

Biden Faces Wrong Way While Addressing Crowd

ht/ hot salsa

Also, Biden thinks exponentially is spelled expodentially.

31 Comments on Biden Faces Wrong Way While Addressing Crowd

  1. It’s over Joe. When a politician can’t figure our where the camera is, it’s all over!
    This grinning imbecile might as well be dragging a stolen mannequin around on the stage waxing fondly about the love of his life for all the sense he ever makes! The man is expodentially stupid, gives nothing to charity, can’t count past three, tells off-color 7-11 dwarf jokes, plays mumbley-peg with dim-witted quadrupeds and can’t be trusted with a burnt-out match let alone the nuclear codes!!

  2. So many great LOL comments. “Wandering Joe”, “little girl behind the screen”, “…Pat Paulsen…” etc. TRF knocked it out of the park. All too funny!

  3. It looks as though Biden is talking to a “green screen” on which a phony setting will be super imposed to make it seem as though Biden is speaking to someone or to a crowd. This event will likely be recreated to be shown in the TV media news as Biden getting a reaction from a cheering crowd. I don’t think he is confused. I think he is doing what he was instructed to do. Fakery.

  4. What?

    I cood sea the pretty windmills of my mind …….. and their was pretty flowers and shit …………. an yea, sum tings be expedociousally ingroministic ……..

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