Whistleblower Offers To Answer Written Questions From House Republicans – IOTW Report

Whistleblower Offers To Answer Written Questions From House Republicans


A lawyer for the whistleblower who raised alarms about President Donald Trump’s dealings with Ukraine said Sunday his client is willing to answer written questions submitted by House Republicans.

The surprise offer, made to Rep. Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, would allow Republicans to ask questions of the whistleblower, who spurred the Democratic-led impeachment inquiry, without having to go through the committee’s chairman, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif. More

20 Comments on Whistleblower Offers To Answer Written Questions From House Republicans

  1. Subpoena these lawyers to physically produce this treasonous individual for live questioning at a public hearing by all members of the committee (no Shitty Schiff question shutdowns from Republicans), or be locked up until they do. This is the same principle as when journalists were locked up until they revealed their sources.

  2. There is no “whistleblower”.

    There is only a CIA/Obama-administration/lawfare-Schiff-colluding lackey who (if necessary) agreed to put his name on a conspiratorial document intended to create fake outrage and a “Well, that’s the last straw” impeachment pretext.

  3. UHHHHH NO WAY Jose. its time to nut up or shut up. You CANNOT HIDE FOREVER. If actually believe in what you wrote be a MAN and walk int and stand behind your statement. You are going to HAVE TO testify publicly if it goes to trial in nthe senate.

  4. @Cate November 3, 2019 at 4:25 pm

    > have to FACE Congress aka.. THE AMERICAN People

    I’ve been called a lot of things, in these parts. A lot. But that’s… just… that’s… You know what? I don’t wanna’ be drunk posting with that other Anonymi. But that’s… really… mean.

  5. Who, what a invisible, faceless, manifestation wants to take out a sitting president?? No, that’s not how it works, deep state and pals. You’ve already crossed the line a few too many times. Call to arms will be our answer…

  6. Checkout this tweet from Shitty boy.

    The president continues to target public servants, including those who have served their country in combat, with baseless attacks.Efforts to intimidate or threaten witnesses will further build the case for obstruction, itself an impeachable offense. https://t.co/InoxFCEEAb— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) November 3, 2019

  7. Maybe they’ll set it up like a Carnac act where the Whistleblower gives the answers and we guess the questions…
    The Answer: Gin, King Tut and Joe Biden
    The Question: Name a rummy, a mummy and a dummy.

    The Answer: A homer and a triple, Romney and Dolly Parton.
    The Question: Name two big hits, a big Mitt and a country-western star!

  8. “…the accused shall …be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor,..”

    It’s almost like it’s written in stone, or something.


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