DOJ FISA Official Quietly Removed After IG Draft Report Sent to Bill Barr – IOTW Report

DOJ FISA Official Quietly Removed After IG Draft Report Sent to Bill Barr

Conservative Treehouse-
Rumor in the DC grapevine is that a few weeks ago Tashina Guahar was quietly removed from her position as lawyer for the DOJ National Security Division (in charge of FISA applications).  This removal happened immediately after IG Michael Horowitz submitted his first draft report to Attorney General Bill Barr for classification review.   Ms. Gauhar now reportedly works for Boeing.

If confirmed, Guahar’s exit in advance of the IG report could indicate helpful participation, or DOJ Main Justice may be providing cover to protect Tash Guahar as they did with SSCI Security Director James Wolfe.  Keep eyes on a swivel, here’s why:

♦ On March 2nd, 2017, Tashina “Tash” Guahar was one of a small group of DOJ officials who participated in a conversation that led to the recusal of Jeff Sessions from anything related to the 2016 election.  This recusal included the ongoing FBI counterintelligence investigation known as Crossfire Hurricane, later picked up (May 17th) by Robert Mueller

Immediately following this meeting, AG Jeff Sessions announced his recusal.


12 Comments on DOJ FISA Official Quietly Removed After IG Draft Report Sent to Bill Barr

  1. I’d say it’s reasonable to conclude that she’s foundering in fecal matter. She’s been cut loose from her govt job and so will not have the benefit of govt lawyers when (and I don’t think “if” fits here) she’s called before a grand jury and/or, it is to be hoped, indicted for perjury in the form of falsely swearing to the the FISC in order to get their equivalent to subpoenas for surveillance of Carter Page and by extension Donald Trump and everyone around him.

  2. She may have been given a big break including a cushy job with a gov contractor to quietly go away and keep quiet.
    I notice Rosenstein was praised for his service and retired although we know he was dirty.
    I have no trust in the DOJ and only have a moderate expectation of a full cleaning of the rats nest that is pulling the strings behind the scenes.
    CTH is hinting the same.

  3. @Tony R November 3, 2019 at 6:53 pm

    Look on the bright side.
    Ms. Tashina Guahar is such a loyal United Statesian, that xhe will only consider treason to The United States’ allies.
    And, Boeing improves it’s STEM bona fides.

  4. She’s proved her dishonesty.
    She would sell out her country, her honor, her dignity (well, integrity) – for cash.

    Just what Boeing needs! ANOTHER one! She’s a deep-state spook and will get the best legal representation possible – if she’s ever called on to testify.

    When Gary Powers died he was STILL on the CIA payroll (for instance).

    Criminals hang together or they (surely) hang separately.
    (Not that Powers was a criminal – far from it)

    izlamo delenda est …


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