Radical Spawn Chesa Boudin: Nation’s Most Toxic DA Candidate – IOTW Report

Radical Spawn Chesa Boudin: Nation’s Most Toxic DA Candidate

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Newsbusters/ Michelle Malkin-
Socialist Bernie Sanders just endorsed the bleeding-heart candidate for San Francisco District Attorney who makes President Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, look like Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Meet Chesa Boudin. He’s the Bay Area public defender and former shill/translator for the late Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez who plans to turn the craphole of San Francisco into an even bigger sanctuary for the homeless, drug abusers, illegal immigrants, gangsters, vandals, thieves, recidivist criminals and cop-haters than it is already. Boudin leads a spooky field of left-lefter-leftists running for DA on the Nov. 5 ballot.

The cornerstone of Boudin’s campaign is sabotaging immigration enforcement. He has called for prosecution and imprisonment of ICE and police officers for doing their jobs and vowed to create an “immigrant defense unit” within the DA’s office to “stand up to Trump on immigration.”

While American veterans beg for money on San Francisco’s feces-clogged street corners, Boudin will instead subsidize “universal legal representation” for illegal immigrants facing deportation.

While American angel families are denied standing in American courts to sue the sanctuary outlaws whose policies enabled criminals in this country illegally to injure, rape or murder their loved ones, Boudin will “help every single immigrant victim of every crime obtain a U-Visa.”

Boudin’s campaign tagline claims he wants to build a criminal justice system “for everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected.” The chutzpah. It burns.

Well-connected? Boudin has been endorsed by a who’s who of far-left celebrities, from Sanders to Hamas-linked “Women’s March” co-founder Linda Sarsour to Black Lives Matter hate crime hoax propagandist Shaun King to radical Chicago DA and Jussie Smollett fixer Kim Foxx to Black Panther Party commie revolutionary Angela Davis. read more

11 Comments on Radical Spawn Chesa Boudin: Nation’s Most Toxic DA Candidate

  1. Thought I recognized the name and the article confirms it. He hails from good radical commie stock. As if being the biological spawn of cop killers weren’t enough to imprint “destroy the capitalists pig that is America”, then along comes Bill Ayers and his loving wife Bernadine Dohrn to raise the little shit steeped in “take down the system” the legal way.

    Sadly, we’ve come 180 when these commies are voted into power wielding offices.

  2. If this guy gets elected, ICE needs to send every captured illegal to SF, and create a checkpoint at the Golden Gate and Oakland bridges to keep them contained. See how the City by the Bay will like it when it has 40 million illegals living there.

  3. My biggest regret is voting fot the Ronny hater GHWB, I enabled him to send the Cuban Commie Sunnunu to Cal to politically assonant every conservative O7 and above in the GOp. The only conservative Sunnunu did not kill was Pete and the cuban commie wounded Pete badly.

    The “most conservative” candidates on state wide ballots (other than Pete) since 1990 have had a D after their name! The leftist Bush Clan destroyed Cal because they hate Ronny!


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