Biden Says Liz Warren Is A Liar – IOTW Report

Biden Says Liz Warren Is A Liar

Joe Biden accused Sen. Elizabeth Warren of making up the numbers for her Medicare for All cost estimate.

15 Comments on Biden Says Liz Warren Is A Liar

  1. “Biden Says Liz Warren Is A Liar”

    ….well, he got THAT right, but it’s cheating because you can say that about ANY Democrat and be right, and he KNOWS it…

    …OTOH, first Behar, then Biden, being honest about being dishonest. It’s almost like they’re trying to blow our minds..

    (Watch at 1:20)

  2. Holy crap! He pronounced “exponentially” correctly this time.

    Someone must have given the idiot a B-12 booster shot in the butt.

    The other possibility is he sniffed her and gagged.

  3. mickey moussaoui
    NOVEMBER 4, 2019 AT 6:24 PM
    “A weasel and a rat walk into a bar…”

    And when they see Joe and Elizabeth say, “this place has REALLY gone downhill, they’ll let ANYONE in here!”, and left immediately to seek the better company of slugs and snakes…

  4. Joe, all of you demo commie candidates are plum fulla shit. You just now figuring that out? There are young teens in Portland, Oregon wearing T shirts ridiculing Lieawatha.

  5. This is a complete aside. I rode the school ‘bus with brothers named Tom and Joe who lived a mile from our place at 3035 Woodlow. Thomas and Joseph. Tom, the elder brother, was older than me. He was quick to flare up. People had to be careful around him. Better not ever say anything bad about his little brother Joe. He’d break your fucking skull rather than hear any shit about Joey.

    I talked to Joey five days a week for three years. We were cell-mates on that stinking ‘bus. Joey was fucked up. But you know what, he was beautiful. He was a seven-year-old in a sixteen-year-old’s body.

    I sound like some SJW, now. Joseph was a good human being. Joey always talked about his cat, and his big brother.


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