Coward Wapo Writer, Busted For Creating Fake News, Locks Down His Twitter Account – IOTW Report

Coward Wapo Writer, Busted For Creating Fake News, Locks Down His Twitter Account

Update: Gersten has unlocked his account and has been given the “good guy” seal of approval by Amanda Prestigiacomo, a writer for The Daily Wire.

I respect Prestigiacomo, so I will accept her imprimatur at face value. But, ultimately you can be the judge as to what Gersten’s motives were/are.

Gertsen says he’s a lifelong conservative republican. (Keep in mind, so does David French, David Frum, Mitt Romney, etc……


Strasburg left Trump hanging. 😂

— Rudy Gersten (@DCBarno) November 4, 2019

Rudy Gersten posted an edited video of National’s pitcher Stephen Strasburg in order to make it look like he snubbed the president. It went viral.

He was quickly pig-piled on Twitter because non-morons have the ability to find the full video, the one that shows Strasburg shaking the president’s hand and also the First lady’s.

Strasburg even went so far to call the assertion FAKE NEWS.

The fecal-like site, PopCulture, is still pushing the fake news.

Nationals’ Stephen Strasburg Doesn’t Shake Donald Trump’s Hand at World Series Celebration

Crap site 12UP also repeated the fake news.

TotalProSports site is total crap.

Inquistr – not so inquisitive.

Political Flare repeated the fake news and then offered a weak apology in an update. “I will do better.” – Nicole James, editor.

Sure ya will. You couldn’t wait to post what you thought was a disrespectful moment for the president. You’ll do it again.

13 Comments on Coward Wapo Writer, Busted For Creating Fake News, Locks Down His Twitter Account

  1. Fucking clowns. So when is Shaunqueefus (Shaun King) going to get burned down? That guy has to be the king of fraudulent bullshit. It’s not even real bullshit — he spouts faux bullshit.

  2. this is what the news media is today … they’re reduced to making up stories that perpetuate their slant on what is actually happening

    … it’s called ‘lying’ … in another alliteration … ‘propaganda’

    & that’s exactly what it is … twisting reality to fit the narrative to sucker the ‘populi’

    you’d think we would have rendered this type of bullshit to the dustbin of history … to enlightened the evolutionary education of our children, allowing them to progress beyond the smallness of conquest & misery … instead, obviously, we strive to re-create exponentially expound the stupidity & enslavement of the vast majority of humankind

    … enforcing the theme of the normal state of mankind

    “in other news today, President Donald J. Trump said, “Poo poo cah-cah doody head” on the democrats” today. Is this who we are?”

  3. Because I can be hard headed I’m still going to say that it looks to me that he didn’t give President Trump the level of respect I would have. It looks to me like he was looking right at Trump and Trump had his hand out to shake Strasbourg’s hand. And instead of shaking Trump’s hand he turned and hugged a couple other guys. He then turned and shook Trump’s hand as well as Melania’s hand on his way off the stage. Looked to me like a slight snub, then a courtesy hand shake, which allows Strasburg a chance to play both sides of the fence.


    Notice how they just kinda forgot to mention this guy’s ANTIFA affiliations? The writer had to have been living ten miles from the nearest paved road to not know that readers would go to the comments and point out that he just cashiered his credibility for good with that nonsense. They are incorrigible in their contempt for the profession they went into.

  5. Hey Joe6pak,
    I don’t see it as a snub. After speaking, he immediately turned around to give hugs to Davey Martinez, Nats Mgr, and Mike Rizzo, Nats GM (I’m sure the experience (winning and WH visit) was very emotionally charged for all of the team). My take is that he may have been caught up in that moment and the President’s extended hand just simply did not register.
    Further belaying a snub rationale, he then proceeded to shake both the President’s and First Lady’s hands. Even shook President’s hand a second time. Additionally, he apparently broke a two year Twittidiot Radio Silence to call out Rudy ‘Dumpster Fire’ Gersten’s faux journalism attempt as being “Fake News.”
    For myself, I chose to cut him a bit of slack by allowing the benefit of the doubt…photos/vids don’t always catch us at our best, and they never capture the context.

  6. misty,

    Anonymous DOJ and FBI officials, who are not authorized to discuss this issue, have confirmed that the Kennedy assassinations were Minority Report Arkancide events. Primary subject(s) observed in direct contact with the President prior to, with photographic record.



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