China Wants Iron Man-Like Tech For Its Soldiers – IOTW Report

China Wants Iron Man-Like Tech For Its Soldiers


China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) could one day get an “iron man” suit that will provide soldiers with “heavy firepower, special armor, and flying capability,” according to a report by the state propaganda outlet Global Times on Wednesday.

Ideas for the futuristic suit were judged at the Super Warrior 2019 Military Individual Exoskeleton System Challenge in Beijing, organized by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Equipment Department. More

11 Comments on China Wants Iron Man-Like Tech For Its Soldiers

  1. All BS until somebody figures how to make a light.
    small, portable super battery or energy source that
    can provide enough power to keep the thing moving
    for more that a few minutes.
    With that amount of energy concentrated into a very
    small package what you have is a hugely powerful
    bomb until you can figure out how to safely store
    the power and make it so it trickles out energy as needed.

  2. From BrassG: “The ChiComs can’t even build a watertight aircraft carrier. Perhaps they should focus on basic welding skills and forego the delusions of Tony Stark grandeur.”

    I’ve seen Chinese executions of difficult electronic and mechanical systems. They were not lacking in engineering nor fabrication. Do not fool yourself they are inept or incapable. They may have stolen the IP, but they damn sure executed the replication.

    Underestimate their capabilities if you wish. I do not.

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